Chapter 19

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The next day at work, as Moon and Mira discussed the upcoming birthday celebration for Fransisco, Mira's suggestion to bake something for him sparked a glimmer of hope in Moon's heart. Despite her initial hesitation, she decided to pour her heart into the endeavor, spending the evening after work meticulously crafting a batch of delicious homemade treats for her dear friend. As the aroma of freshly baked goods filled her kitchen, Moon couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her creation. With each carefully measured ingredient and lovingly crafted pastry, she poured her affection for Fransisco into every bite, hoping to convey her appreciation and friendship through the simple act of baking.

The following day, armed with her homemade treats, Moon made her way to Fransisco's house, her heart fluttering with anticipation and nerves. But as she arrived and stepped into the lavish surroundings of his home, her confidence wavered, replaced by a sinking feeling of inadequacy.

Surrounded by a sea of wealthy politicians and elite guests, Moon felt painfully out of place, her simple offering paling in comparison to the extravagant gifts presented by those around her. As she watched each guest lavish Francisco with expensive tokens of affection, she couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity gnaw at her insides.

In that moment of doubt and uncertainty, Moon made a split-second decision to hide her homemade treats, her heart heavy with the fear of judgment and rejection. Pretending as though she hadn't brought anything at all, she feigned nonchalance, hoping to blend into the background and avoid drawing attention to herself.

But as Fransisco reached out to take her arm, a surge of panic gripped Moon, her instinctive reaction causing her to pull away abruptly. In her haste, she stumbled backward, her foot catching on a stray object and sending her crashing into a nearby table.

The sound of shattering glass filled the air as Moon's carefully crafted treats tumbled to the ground, their delicate beauty marred by the chaos of the moment.

As Fransisco's mom entered the room, her sharp gaze fell upon Moon, her expression unreadable. With a stern tone, she addressed her son, her words laced with disapproval. "Francisco, is she your friend? I suggest you walk her out."

Fransisco's resolve stiffened as he stood his ground, unwilling to yield to his mother's demands. "I can't do that," he replied firmly, his voice unwavering despite the tension in the room. "I want to formally take this opportunity to introduce someone who's important to me."

Fransisco's mom's eyes narrowed as she absorbed Brandon and Fredrick's defense of Moon's presence. "Do you realize what you just said?" she interjected sharply, her tone cutting through the room like a knife.

Brandon stepped forward, his voice steady as he reaffirmed Moon's connection to their university. "She goes to the same university as us. She's close with us," he explained, attempting to diffuse the tension with reason.cFredrick nodded in agreement, adding, "Yes, it's true," though his words were met with a dismissive wave from Fransisco's mom.

Ignoring their attempts to explain, she continued to address Moon directly, probing into her family background. "From what I know, not a lot of people in the business world have that name, Moon," she remarked, her scrutiny palpable. Before Moon could respond, Juan intervened, offering insight into her family's business endeavors. "Her dad's business is overseas, mostly in the Middle East," he explained calmly, providing context for her unique surname. "It's understandable if you don't know about him."

Fransisco's mom seemed to acknowledge this information with a nod before shifting her focus onto Moon's talents. "A girl from this kind of family must have skills," she remarked, her gaze lingering expectantly upon Moon. Sensing the implicit expectation, Moon hesitated for a moment before summoning her courage. With a determined expression, she approached the grand piano in the room and began to play a haunting melody, her fingers dancing across the keys with practiced precision.

As Moon's melody drifted through the air, her words cut through the silence like a knife, challenging the superficiality that often dictated societal perceptions. "Humans," she began, her voice carrying a weight of conviction, "when you put more importance in what they wear than the wisdom they possess, more importance in the jewelry they wear than their kindness and bravery... When you're easily fooled by illusionary comparisons and can't see the pure heart burning in front of you, you lose the right to have real human emotions."

Fransisco's mom interrupted Moon's impassioned speech, her tone sharp with incredulity. "Excuse me. What're you saying?" she interjected, her confusion evident.

But Moon didn't falter, continuing to express her beliefs with unwavering resolve. "A person's value doesn't come from money," she asserted, her gaze steady as she addressed Fransisco's mom directly. "I might not come from a wealthy family. I can only play this song. But so what? My heart is open and honest."

Francisco's mom, taken aback by Moon's boldness, turned to her son with a questioning gaze. "Francisco, your friend's upbringing is very interesting," she remarked, her tone laden with skepticism. "Do you really think you're a match with such a girl?"

Sensing the growing tension, Moon rose from her seat, her intention clear: to diffuse the brewing conflict before it escalated further. Francisco, reached out and took her hand, signaling his agreement to leave.

But as they moved toward the door, Fransisco's mom issued a final warning, her tone laced with thinly veiled threats. "If you walk out that door, be prepared for consequences," she declared, her words hanging heavy in the air. Undeterred, Francisco and Moon continued their departure, their hands clasped together in silent solidarity as they stepped out into the unknown, ready to face whatever consequences awaited them outside the confines of Fransisco's opulent home.

The next morning, as the weight of the previous day's events lingered heavily on their minds, Fredrick, Brandon, and Juan gathered together, their expressions reflecting a mix of worry and uncertainty. They exchanged anxious glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation they now found themselves in. The events of the previous day had taken an unexpected turn, leaving them feeling unsettled and unsure of what the future held. Meanwhile, Moon returned home and sat down with her parents, recounting the events of the past few days and explaining the confrontation with Fransisco's mother. As she spoke, her parents listened intently, their expressions shifting from concern to anger as they learned of the attempts to intimidate their daughter.

At the same time, Fransisco's mother was not content to let the matter rest. Determined to uncover any information that could be used against Moon and her family, she delved into their background, searching for any hint of weakness or vulnerability. The following day, Moon was startled to find Fransisco's mother standing at her door, offering a check in exchange for leaving Francisco alone. Moon's mother, outraged by the audacity of the offer, quickly intervened, firmly refusing the bribe and ordering Fransisco's mother to leave.

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