Chapter 13

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As Moon arrived at Isabella's place, she was greeted with warmth and enthusiasm. Isabella wasted no time in getting down to business, guiding Moon through various cooking techniques and sharing invaluable tips and tricks to help her excel in the upcoming competition.

With Isabella's expert guidance, Moon's confidence soared as she chopped, stirred, and seasoned with precision and skill. Together, they meticulously crafted dishes that not only tantalized the taste buds but also showcased Moon's culinary prowess.

Francisco, eager to support Moon in her endeavor, eagerly sampled the dishes they prepared. With each bite, he couldn't help but marvel at the flavors and creativity on display.

As Moon met up with Liam later that day, his words of caution hung heavy in the air. "I suggest you give up, Moon," Liam advised solemnly, his expression tinged with concern. "Your opponent, Violet, has a lot of cooking titles. You won't win the prize."

Moon's resolve hardened at Liam's words, her determination unyielding in the face of doubt. "You can say what you think, but I won't back down," she declared firmly, her voice laced with unwavering confidence.

As Violet happened to stroll past Liam's workplace, a sense of conflict gnawed at her conscience. She paused, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty, before reaching for her phone to make a difficult call.

"Dad," she began, her voice tinged with apprehension, "I don't want to marry Liam. It wouldn't be fair to either of us, and it would only cause him unnecessary suffering."

On the other end of the line, her father listened quietly, his response measured and understanding.

As F4 gathered in class, the topic of conversation naturally gravitated towards Moon and the upcoming cooking competition. Fredrick couldn't help but remark on Moon's remarkable progress. "Even if Moon cooked poison, Francisco would still eat it," he joked, eliciting chuckles from the group. "But this Violet girl is very good too. She's more likely to win."

Brandon nodded in agreement, his curiosity piqued by Violet's reputation. "I read about her," he added thoughtfully. "She's so smart and pretty. I wonder if she has a boyfriend."

Isabella's concern for Moon weighed heavily on her mind as she engaged in conversation with the butler. "I can't help but worry," she admitted, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Moon is talented, but facing off against someone like Violet... I'm not sure if she stands a chance."

The butler, ever the pillar of support, listened attentively, his expression sympathetic. "It's only natural to have doubts, Miss Isabella," he reassured her gently. "But don't underestimate Moon's determination and resilience. She's come a long way, and with your guidance, she might just surprise us all."

Isabella nodded, taking solace in the butler's words of encouragement.

Moon received Liam's call with a mixture of surprise and understanding. "I'm sorry Moon, I shouldn't have said to just give up," Liam apologized earnestly.

"Don't worry, Liam, it's okay," Moon replied gently, appreciating his sincerity.

Liam hesitated for a moment before continuing, his voice filled with vulnerability. "Moon... you can probably tell I like you. We would be great together if Francisco didn't exist in this world."

Moon listened quietly, her heart heavy with empathy. "Liam, I wish you all the best," she said softly. "One day in the future, you'll be a great chef."

As the day of the cooking competition dawned, excitement filled the air as contestants and judges gathered for the event. Back at home, anticipation ran high as friends and family eagerly awaited Moon's performance, while F4 made their way to the live venue to show their support.

Backstage, amidst the bustling energy of the competition, a group of contestants began to whisper and giggle, casting mocking glances in Moon's direction. However, their taunts were quickly silenced as Violet, the epitome of elegance and confidence, strode into the room. With a single glance, she commanded respect, and the room fell into a hushed reverence.

Sensing the tension, Violet approached Moon with a warm smile. "Hi, I'm Violet," she greeted, extending her hand. "I know who you are, Moon. I've seen you online."

Moon met Violet's gaze with a sense of awe, feeling a surge of admiration for her poised demeanor. "You're famous too, Violet," Moon replied, her voice tinged with humility. "Our mutual friend, Liam, says you're awesome."

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