Chapter 39

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Maya video-called Moon while in the company of Brandon and Fredrick, inquiring about Francisco. Moon reluctantly explained that Francisco didn't want to be with her anymore. After the call ended, the trio realized that Maya would likely have to marry Francisco as planned.

Meanwhile, Francisco found himself staring out the window, lost in thought. Suddenly, he felt a surge of determination and rushed outside, heading towards where he knew Moon and Juan would be. As he approached, he spotted them, and just as Juan moved to comfort Moon with a hug, Francisco arrived at the scene.

Their encounter was fraught with tension and unspoken emotions as the three of them stood facing each other, each grappling with their own thoughts and feelings.

"I'm taking Moon back home," Juan stated firmly, his voice carrying the weight of his resolve as he stood face to face with Francisco.

Francisco's brows furrowed in confusion and frustration. "What do you mean?" he demanded, his tone tinged with apprehension.

"You don't deserve her love," Juan replied, his words cutting through the tension like a sharp blade, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

The accusation hit Francisco like a blow to the chest, igniting a surge of anger within him. He clenched his fists, his jaw tightening as he struggled to contain his emotions. "How dare you say that?" he retorted, his voice trembling with suppressed fury.

But Juan remained steadfast, his gaze unwavering as he met Francisco's glare head-on. "She's here by herself because you abandoned her," Juan continued, his voice unwavering despite the intensity of the confrontation. "How can you call yourself her boyfriend? If this is how you treat your girlfriend, then I was wrong about you. Moon, let's go," he urged, turning towards Moon with a reassuring nod.

As they moved towards the waiting car, Juan's words lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the once-bright evening. "If you can't make her any promises, don't give her any expectations," he added, his voice carrying a note of finality.

Moon hesitated, torn between loyalty to Francisco and the undeniable truth of Juan's words. She glanced back at Francisco, her heart heavy with uncertainty. With a conflicted expression, she reached out for his hand, a silent plea for understanding and resolution.

Together, they stepped away from the car, their footsteps echoing against the pavement as they walked side by side. The streets of London stretched out before them, bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, their journey unfolding against the backdrop of a city alive with the whispers of countless stories.

Eventually, they found themselves standing on a bridge, the river flowing gently beneath them as they gazed out into the night. There, amidst the quietude of the city, they grappled with their emotions, each lost in their own thoughts as they searched for answers in the silent expanse before them.

As they sat in Donna's restaurant, Moon and Francisco found themselves enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, their hearts heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and unfulfilled promises.

Donna's cheerful demeanor only served to highlight the somber atmosphere that hung between them, her warm smile a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within their hearts. Yet, despite the facade of normalcy, both Moon and Francisco knew that their world had irrevocably shifted, forever altered by the events that had unfolded in recent days.

"I'm treating Moon out," Francisco declared suddenly, his voice breaking through the silence like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

"Okay, I'll treat you guys next time," Donna replied, her eyes twinkling with affection as she glanced between the two of them.

But Moon's next words shattered the illusion of normalcy, her voice tinged with resignation as she confessed, "There's no next time. I'm going home tomorrow."

Donna's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of sadness crossing her features before she excused herself to give them some privacy.

Left alone once more, Moon and Francisco found themselves grappling with the harsh reality of their situation, their words laden with unspoken regrets and lingering doubts.

"I never really cared about a lot of things before," Francisco began, his voice tinged with vulnerability as he laid bare his innermost thoughts. "What foods are good, best weather for a date, whether the person likes me, whether the person who likes me is happy. Or whether someone is thinking of me and is missing me. Until I met a girl named Moon. That's when I realized I cared about a lot of things."

Moon listened in silence, her heart aching with empathy as she absorbed his words, each syllable resonating with the depth of their shared connection.

"What about now? Do you still care?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper as she dared to voice the question that had been haunting her thoughts.

"I care so much. But I don't know how to protect her anymore," Francisco confessed, his voice thick with emotion as he grappled with the overwhelming weight of his own inadequacies.

And so, as tears threatened to spill from their eyes, Moon and Francisco found solace in each other's presence, their laughter mingling with the sorrow that bound them together, a bittersweet reminder of the love they shared amidst the trials of life.

As Moon and Francisco stood on the bridge, their hearts heavy with unspoken longing and unfulfilled dreams, they found themselves enveloped in a moment of quiet reflection amidst the bustling cityscape.

"Today was too fast, I wish our lifetime can be like this," Moon whispered, her voice tinged with wistful yearning as she gazed out at the twinkling lights of the city below.

Francisco turned to her, his eyes shimmering with an intensity that mirrored her own. "Then let's make a deal. In our next lifetime, we'll spend every day like this together," he proposed, his words infused with a sense of hope that transcended the constraints of time and space.

Moved by the sincerity of his pledge, Moon felt a surge of emotion welling up within her, her heart swelling with a mixture of joy and longing. With tears glistening in her eyes, she nodded in agreement, her soul resonating with the profound connection they shared.

As they parted ways, each lost in their own thoughts and emotions, Moon couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the air. A sense of foreboding washed over her, casting a shadow over the fleeting moments of happiness they had shared.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Moon turned around and called out to Francisco, her voice echoing into the night. And in that moment, as if guided by an invisible force, they ran towards each other with a sense of urgency that defied explanation.

But just as they reached out to embrace each other, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over them, their vision blurring and their surroundings fading into darkness. And before they knew it, Francisco and Moon collapsed into unconsciousness, their fates intertwined in a mysterious twist of destiny.

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