Chapter 6

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Later that day, as the rain pattered against the window panes of the clothing store, Moon couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at her. She glanced outside and realized that Fransisco was likely waiting for her, alone in the rain. Unable to ignore her conscience any longer, she hastily excused herself from her shopping excursion with her mom, promising to return shortly, and rushed out into the downpour.

Fransisco's frustration was palpable when Moon finally arrived at the designated meeting spot. "Took you long enough," he muttered, his tone laced with annoyance. Moon apologized profusely, explaining how she lost track of time in the store. Reluctantly, Fransisco accepted her apology, and they proceeded to the restaurant he had chosen for their date. Once inside the elevator, the unexpected happened — the doors closed, and the elevator jolted to a halt, leaving them stranded between floors. Fransisco cursed under his breath, frustration evident in his demeanor. "Of all the times for this to happen," he grumbled, running a hand through his damp hair. Moon, sensing his discomfort, offered him her jacket for warmth. "Here, you look like you could use this," she said softly, her voice tinged with concern. Fransisco hesitated for a moment before accepting her gesture of kindness, his expression softening slightly.

As they settled into an uneasy silence, the hours stretched on, and exhaustion eventually overcame them. Moon leaned against the wall of the elevator, her eyelids growing heavy with sleep. Francisco, too, succumbed to weariness, his head resting against the back of the elevator.

In the quiet of the night, the confines of the elevator seemed to invite confessions and revelations. Fransisco opened up about the challenges of his family life, recounting the loss of his father and his mother's relentless dedication to her work. Moon listened attentively, offering words of empathy and understanding.

In a moment of vulnerability, their faces drew closer, almost touching, before they were abruptly interrupted by the sudden movement of the elevator doors. Workers outside asked if they were okay, breaking the spell of intimacy that had briefly enveloped them. As they emerged from the elevator, disheveled and weary from their ordeal, Moon and Fransisco exchanged a tentative glance, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected bond forged between them amidst the chaos of the night.

Moon's arrival home amidst the flurry of phone calls to the police and worried friends only added to the tension. Frustration bubbled within her as she tried to explain the situation, brandishing her broken phone as evidence of her inability to contact anyone.

"It's not my fault!" Moon exclaimed, her voice tinged with exasperation, as she showed her broken phone to her parents. "I couldn't call because of this!"

Her parents exchanged worried glances, their expressions a mix of relief at her safe return and annoyance at the situation. "Fine, you can use my phone in the meantime," her mom relented, handing over her device with a sigh.

At school the next day, Moon was met with concerned glances from Sophia and Jeremy. Their worry was palpable, but Moon assured them she was fine, albeit exhausted from the events of the previous night.

"I'm okay, really," Moon reassured them, offering a tired smile. "Just glad to be back."

However, her attempt to resume normalcy was short-lived when news of Francisco looking for her spread like wildfire through the school corridors.

"Hey, Moon, Fransisco's looking for you," a classmate whispered as they passed her in the hallway, prompting curious glances from those nearby.

Moon's heart sank at the mention of Fransisco's name, but she squared her shoulders and made her way to confront him.

"You were looking for me?" Moon asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her chest.

Fransisco nodded, his expression unreadable as he handed her back the jacket she had left behind during their unexpected night together in the elevator.

"Here, you forgot this," he said, his tone casual yet tinged with an unspoken tension.

"Thanks," Moon replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she took the jacket from him.

Their exchange was not lost on their classmates, who watched with avid curiosity, their whispers and covert glances adding to Moon's discomfort.

Feeling exposed and vulnerable under the scrutiny of their peers, Moon couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration at the rumors already swirling around them.

As Moon and Sophia settled into their seats in the cafeteria, their thoughts still consumed by the events of the past few days, they were approached by May and Jae, who wore mischievous smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Moon, Sophia," May began, her tone casual yet laced with excitement. "We were thinking, why don't we have a girls' night out tonight? You know, hit up the club, let loose, forget about all this drama for a while."

Moon and Sophia exchanged surprised glances, the idea of a night out offering a welcome reprieve from the stresses of recent events.

"Let's go, Moon. We could all use a break," May urged, offering a sympathetic smile as she linked arms with her friend.

Moon readily agreed, eager for the opportunity to spend time with her friends and escape the relentless scrutiny of her classmates, if only for a few hours.

As Moon navigated the dimly lit atmosphere of the club, the pulsing music and vibrant energy of the crowd enveloped her. May and Jae, determined to ensure their friend had a memorable night, encouraged Moon to let loose and indulge in a few drinks. Despite her usual reservations, Moon found herself succumbing to the lively atmosphere, her inhibitions fading with each sip. Amidst the swirling chaos of the club, Moon's gaze landed on a figure seated at the piano, the soft strains of music drifting through the air. In her hazy state, she was convinced it was Juan, drawn by an inexplicable pull towards the familiar melody. Without hesitation, she stumbled towards the pianist, her movements unsteady as she settled beside him, resting her head on his shoulder with a dreamy sigh.

"I like you," Moon slurred softly, her words barely audible over the music as she gazed up at the pianist through half-closed eyes.

The next morning, as the haze of alcohol began to lift, Moon found herself disoriented and confused, waking up in an unfamiliar hotel room clad in a robe. Panic gripped her as she scrambled to piece together the events of the previous night, her memory clouded by the effects of her intoxication. Upon discovering a note left by Thomas, detailing her drunken escapades and offering reassurance. However, the realization that she had lost control and relied on the kindness of a stranger left her feeling embarrassed and vulnerable. Returning to school, Moon sought solace in Sophia's presence, her friend offering a comforting explanation of the previous night's events. Yet, as Thomas unexpectedly reached out to her, Moon's apprehension resurfaced, unsure of how to navigate the situation. Moon agreed to meet Thomas in the cafeteria, her mind swirling with questions and uncertainties about the repercussions of her drunken antics.

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