Chapter 30

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As Fransisco and Juan stood on the rooftop, their conversation crackled with tension, each word laden with unspoken emotions and underlying conflict.

"Why did you call me here, Juan?" Fransisco's voice held a note of impatience, his brow furrowing in annoyance.

"What do you plan to do with Moon?" Juan's question was direct, his gaze piercing as he searched for Fransisco's true intentions.

Fransisco's response was curt. "Nothing, isn't it obvious?" he retorted, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his tone.

Juan's expression remained impassive, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Moon's feelings, life, and future have nothing to do with you anymore?" he pressed, his voice tinged with skepticism.

"It's over between me and Moon," Fransisco declared firmly, though his words lacked conviction.

"Do you really believe that?" Juan's question hung in the air, challenging Francisco to confront his true feelings.

Fransisco's jaw tightened, his gaze hardening as he met Juan's steady stare. "Juan, since when were you interested in other people's business?" he shot back, a touch of frustration coloring his words. "Is it because of Moon you're interested in?"

Juan's response was measured, his voice calm but determined. "I told Brandon and Fredrick I will have nothing to do with Moon unless you and Moon have nothing to do with each other," he explained, his tone unwavering. "I'll ask you one last time. Do you want to be with Moon?"

Fransisco's silence spoke volumes, his reluctance to answer betraying the turmoil within him.

But Juan pressed on, his resolve unyielding. "Fine, but let me tell you officially. I'm pursuing Moon," he declared, his words ringing with determination. "I always felt like we should be more than friends. I backed off before, but it wasn't a good choice. This time I want to compete with you to pursue Moon. I don't want her to cry because of you. If you really don't want to be with Moon, then wish me well like I did for you."

Fransisco's fists clenched at his sides, his gaze hardening as Juan's challenge hung in the air. "Are you threatening me? Or purposely challenging me?" he demanded, his voice sharp with indignation.

Juan's expression remained stoic, his tone resolute. "Francisco, even if it doesn't matter to you, I still value F4's friendship," he stated firmly. "So wish me well. Or would you rather have a fight with me? Then let's fight."

Fransisco's jaw tensed, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before he finally spoke. "Do whatever you want to do," he said tersely, before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving Juan alone on the rooftop, the weight of their confrontation lingering in the air.

Moon, lost in memories of her recent breakup with Fransisco. Mira, sensing her distress, offered a comforting hand and a sympathetic ear. "It'll be okay," Mira reassured her, reminding Moon of her inner strength. Grateful for Mira's support, Moon felt a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil of her emotions.

Fransisco confronted Moon about her sudden disappearance, expressing his frustration and hurt. Moon, feeling the weight of his words, returned the meteor necklace he had given her. In a fit of anger, Fransisco threw the necklace into the nearby pond. Panicked, Moon rushed into the water to retrieve it, while Fransisco turned and walked away, leaving behind a trail of unresolved emotions.

Francisco, I like you. I really like you. There was a moment earlier that I almost told you. I almost threw away everything and confessed to you.

Juan noticed Moon's distress and rushed to her side, offering his support. Together, they searched the water until Juan spotted the meteor necklace. As Moon retrieved it, tears streamed down her face, and Juan held her tightly, providing comfort in her moment of sorrow.

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