chapter 57

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The Underworld was lit up by a giant in beacon of thunder and blew a large zone around Forming electric arcs around. Everyone got separated on this move, several miles away.

Further away 2 people crashed in the ground forming deep trails, they tried to verify if they were alive and sat.

Quenya: I heard. . . . Someone else crash right?

Vendevras stood up and looked at her outfit completely ruined, she exhaled in despair and Quenya looking at that assumed she was fine. She stood up and moved a bit to see if she broke anything.

Quenya: Well I am a bit stunned but nothing too crazy.

Vendevras: My clothes. . . . . He did it on purpose, I am sure.

Quenya tried to remember what happened but all she was a flashing light and then them flying out of the way.

Quenya: This Ares is reckless, not even caring about whether we survive or not.

Vendevras looked at Quenya with that expression.

Vendevras: I know right. Well how are we going to join them now that our only guide isn't with us.

Quenya looked around and took out a spear, Vendevras felt something moving really fast, went in stance and took out needles and a dagger. Quenya looked at that and was surprised.

Quenya: You know how to fight?

Vendevras nodded and shot a needle hitting the thing running around, it crashed in a dead tree, upside down. Quenya couldn't believe her eyes and admired Vendevras.

Vendevras: Can't survive for long where I come from without knowing how to properly kill. I don't usually use this style but Sera showed me something like that.

She swung her hair backward.

Quenya: Well let me show you what I can do.

The thing vanished and started moving but this time way slower, it stopped and looked at his ankle. Nor Vendevras or Quenya could recognize it , it was a werewolf but instead of fur it had a black smoke and 4 piercing purple eyes flaring a bit and leaving a sinister trail behind, it took the needle and looked at Vendevras to throw it back.

Vendevras: Don't even think about it.

It instantly changes the target to Quenya, she went in guard a fear spear out and blocked the needle, she smiled but then she went 3 meters backward, in shock the werewolf vanished and reappeared behind Quenya, jumped and tried to kick her at the back of the head, Vendevras threw a needle at its head, he bite it and spit it away, Quenya noticed him behind her and turned 180 degrees to pierce him in the flank, the black and purple spear went deep and inflicted the effect fear to the werewolf, who stopped moving and looked unimpressed at Quenya.

???: Is that all?

Vendevras jumped in fear and used her dagger as protection when she heard that, Quenya was in shock, cried in fear and jumped away. The werewolf took the spear out of his flank and threw it on the ground, his flank was regenerated and he stretched a bit.

Vendevras: This thing TALKS.

Vendevras was always terrified but the werewolf felt offended by what she said. Quenya quickly took out spears and threw them.

???: "thing"? I am not a thing.

He avoided 7 out of 10 spears, grabbed one with his mouth and 2 others in the hands. He spat the one in his mouth.

???: I am a living and sentient being like you give me a bit of respect.

Quenya grit her teeth as she could feel he was acting cool but wanted them dead, she took out 2 other spears and one in each hand stood with them crossing in her back. Vendevras was always afraid.

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