Sparks Fly ✨

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Selene's POV

The corridors of our school pulsed with energy, a cacophony of voices filling the air as we navigated through the bustling crowd of students. 

My outfit for the day—a pair of green camouflage cargos that accentuated my curves and a tight white crop top—drew appreciative glances...

My outfit for the day—a pair of green camouflage cargos that accentuated my curves and a tight white crop top—drew appreciative glances

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...But my focus remained on the figure walking in the middle of a huge crowd. Suddenly, I felt a playful tug at my waist, and before I knew it, I was swept off my feet in a whirlwind spin. "Guess who?" a familiar voice whispered in my ear. I laughed, recognizing Reno's touch immediately.

 "You're such an idiot ," I teased, swatting playfully at his arm as he set me back down

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 "You're such an idiot ," I teased, swatting playfully at his arm as he set me back down.

Reno grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You love it," he quipped, flashing me a lopsided grin that sent my heart racing.

As we made our way to our first class, snippets of conversation drifted towards us from nearby groups of students. I couldn't help but overhear the excited whispers of girls discussing Reno's latest exploits, their voices filled with admiration and envy.

"Did you see the way Reno looked at Selene?" one of them gushed, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Ugh, they're like, so perfect together," another sighed wistfully, casting a longing glance in our direction.

I listened with a mixture of amusement and trepidation, my heart fluttering at the attention but also wary of the gossip that inevitably followed.In class, Reno and I settled into our seats, our desks positioned side by side as we prepared for the day ahead. 

Reno's easy charm and quick wit never failed to keep me entertained, and as the lesson progressed, his jokes and witty remarks had me struggling to stifle my laughter.

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