Tangled Webs

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Selene's POV


I wake up the next morning feeling like I've been run over by a truck. Last night with Lucas was fun, but it didn't stop my brain from replaying everything that's been happening. I can't shake the image of Reno and Renzo watching me at the restaurant. It's like they're always there, lurking in the background of my life.

I drag myself out of bed, glancing at my phone to see if there's any message from Reno. Of course, there isn't. With a sigh, I get ready for school, throwing on a pair of jeans and my favorite hoodie. Comfortable, but still cute enough to make me feel like I have my life together.

"Selene, breakfast is ready!" Mom calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shout back, grabbing my bag and heading down.

At the table, Dad is buried in his newspaper, and Mom is flipping pancakes. I sit down and pour myself some juice, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in my stomach.

"So, any plans for the weekend?" Mom asks, setting a plate in front of me.

"Just hanging out with friends, I guess," I mumble. I don't mention Lucas. Not yet. I'm not sure what's going on there anyway.

As I walk to school, I keep an eye out for Reno. Usually, he'd be waiting for me at the corner, but today, the sidewalk is empty. Again. I feel a pang of hurt. What the hell is going on with him?

When I get to school, the usual crowd of people greets me. I put on my best smile, but inside, I'm a mess. I scan the halls, hoping to catch a glimpse of Reno. Instead, I see Renzo leaning against a locker, looking as cool and collected as ever.

"Selene," he calls out, his voice smooth.

"Ren...matteo," I reply, trying to keep my tone neutral. "Why are you here?"

He smirks, pushing off the locker. "Like I said, new scenery."

I narrow my eyes. "Cut the crap. What's your real reason?"

"Just keeping an eye on things," he says cryptically. "You and Reno have a knack for getting into trouble."

Before I can respond, the bell rings, and I'm swept along with the crowd into class. Great. Another day of not understanding a damn thing.

First period drags on. I can barely focus on the lesson, my mind drifting back to Reno and Renzo. What are they hiding from me? And why does it feel like my life has become some twisted game?

Finally, the bell rings for break, and I rush out, hoping to find Reno. Instead, I bump into Sophia, who's looking at me with concern.

"Hey, Sel. You okay?" she asks, her eyes searching mine.

"Not really," I admit. "Reno's still avoiding me, and now matteo's all up in my business. I don't know what to think anymore."

"Maybe you should talk to Reno again. He can't avoid you forever," she suggests.

"Yeah, if I can find him," I mutter.

We head to the cafeteria, where the usual chaos reigns. I grab a tray and follow Sophia to our usual table. As we sit down, I see Reno across the room, talking to a group of girls. My heart sinks. He's laughing, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Hey, snap out of it," Sophia says, nudging me. "He's just trying to make you jealous."

"Well, it's working," I grumble.

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