Confrontation and Clarity

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Selene's POV


The phone rings, and I almost drop it in my haste to answer. "Reno? Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick!"

"Selene, I... I got fucking kidnapped," Reno's voice comes through, shaky but alive.

My heart stops. "What? By who? Why?"

"I think... I think it was because of Renzo. He couldn't handle what happened last night."

I pause, my mind racing. "Renzo? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Listen, I'll explain everything later. I just... I needed to hear your voice."

"Stay safe, Reno. We'll figure this out together."

As I hang up, anger boils within me. Renzo. That son of a bitch. How could he? Without thinking, I grab my keys and head out the door. I have to confront him. Now.

I drive to Renzo's place, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. When I arrive, I don't bother knocking. I burst through the door, fury in my eyes.

"Renzo!" I shout, storming into the living room.

He's there, standing by the window, looking surprised and confused. "Selene? What are you—"

Before he can finish, I slap him hard across the face. "How could you? How could you kidnap Reno?"

Renzo's expression changes from shock to anger. He grabs my wrist, his grip firm but not painful. "Selene, calm the fuck down."

"Calm down? You kidnapped my best friend!" I struggle against his hold, but he's too strong.

"Listen to me," he says through gritted teeth, trying to keep his composure. "I didn't do it."

"You're lying!" I scream, tears of frustration and betrayal streaming down my face.

Renzo tightens his grip slightly, pulling me closer. "I didn't fucking kidnap him, Selene. You've got it all wrong."

"Then explain!" I demand, my voice cracking.

He takes a deep breath, his anger slowly subsiding. "Okay. But you need to calm down first."

He leads me to the couch, still holding my wrist, and sits me down. His touch is firm but gentle, and despite my anger, I can feel the tension between us. He sits across from me, his eyes intense.


Renzo's POV

Seeing Selene storm into my apartment with fire in her eyes catches me completely off guard. The moment she accuses me of kidnapping Reno, I feel like I've been punched in the gut.

"Selene, please, just listen to me," I plead, my voice a mixture of frustration and desperation. "I didn't do it."

But she's not listening. She's too consumed by anger and fear. I can see it in the way she struggles against my grip, in the tears that streak down her face.

"Calm down," I repeat, trying to keep my own emotions in check. "I didn't lay a hand on Reno."

Her accusation stings, but I know I have to stay calm. Losing my temper now won't help anyone.

"Selene, I swear to you, I didn't kidnap Reno. I found out about it just like you did," I say, hoping my words will penetrate the wall of anger she's built around herself.

She glares at me, her eyes burning with mistrust. "Then why did Reno think it was you?"

"Because whoever did this wanted to frame me. They knew about our history, knew it would be easy to pin it on me," I explain, trying to make her understand.

Her expression softens slightly, but doubt still lingers in her eyes. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because I care about you, Selene. And I care about Reno too. I would never do something like this," I say earnestly, my voice tinged with desperation. "Please, you have to trust me."

I can see the conflict in her eyes, the struggle to reconcile her anger with the possibility that I might be telling the truth. It's a battle I know all too well, one that rages within me every day.

"Okay," she finally says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Explain everything."

Relief floods through me, but I know I can't let my guard down just yet. I need to convince her, to make her see that I'm not the enemy here.

I take a deep breath and recount everything I know: the fight at the club, Reno's disappearance, and the clues that point to a setup. As I speak, I can see the doubt in her eyes slowly fading.

"So, you really had nothing to do with it?" she asks, her voice softer now.

"No," I say firmly. "I didn't. And I want to find out who did this just as much as you do."

She nods, finally believing me. "I'm sorry, Renzo. I was just so scared and angry."

"It's okay," I say, reaching out to take her hand. "I understand."

The touch of her hand sends a jolt through me, and for a moment, all the anger and frustration melt away. Despite everything, the connection between us is still there, still as strong as ever.

"Selene," I say, my voice low. "I care about you more than anything. I would never do anything to hurt you or Reno."

Her eyes soften, and she squeezes my hand. "I care about you too, Renzo. I'm sorry I doubted you."

I squeeze her hand back, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Thank you, Selene."

As we sit there, the tension slowly dissipates, replaced by a sense of unity. We may not have all the answers yet, but we have each other. And with that, I know we can face whatever comes our way.


By Q.N Khan

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