Unmasking the Truth

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Selene's POV


Renzo's text still burns in my mind: "Sir, your suspicion was right about Lucas." My stomach churns, and my pulse quickens. I can't believe Lucas, the charming guy who asked me out, is involved in something so dark. And Renzo, with his intense eyes and mysterious demeanor, now seems even more enigmatic.

"Selene, we need to go. Now," Renzo's voice cuts through my thoughts. He looks more intense than ever, his jaw clenched and eyes burning with determination.

"Where are we going?" I ask, even though I already have a sense of what's coming. The warehouse has become our training ground and, apparently, the stage for something far more sinister tonight.

"To the warehouse. We're going to confront Lucas," he says, no room for argument in his tone.

We get into Renzo's car, and the drive is filled with a tense silence. My mind is racing, trying to piece together everything. Why is Lucas involved? How deep does this go? And who the hell is Renzo really? The questions pile up, but there's no time for answers now.

We arrive at the warehouse, the place looking even more intimidating in the dark. Renzo leads the way, his demeanor all business. He's not the same Renzo I've been training with. He's colder, more focused, and it scares me a little.

"Stay close," he whispers as we enter the building. "And be ready for anything."

I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. I'm ready. Or at least, I hope I am.

We make our way through the dimly lit corridors until we reach a large open space. Lucas is there, along with a couple of his goons. The sight of him sends a wave of anger and betrayal through me. How could he?

"Lucas," Renzo calls out, his voice echoing through the room. "We need to talk."

Lucas turns, a smug smile on his face. "Ah, Matteo. Or should I say Renzo? I had a feeling you'd show up."

"Cut the crap, Lucas," Renzo snaps. "We know you're up to something. Who are you working for?"

Lucas chuckles, a dark, unsettling sound. "You're in way over your head, Renzo. You and your little girlfriend."

Before I can react, the goons charge at us. Renzo and I move instinctively, our training kicking in. The warehouse erupts into chaos. I dodge a punch aimed at my face and counter with a swift kick to the attacker's stomach. He doubles over, and I land an elbow to his back, sending him crashing to the ground.

Beside me, Renzo is a blur of motion, taking down one of the goons with brutal efficiency. His movements are precise, controlled, and deadly. It's like watching a different person entirely.

"Watch out!" Renzo yells, and I duck just in time to avoid a swinging fist. I retaliate with a punch of my own, feeling the satisfying crunch of bone under my knuckles.

Lucas stands back, watching with that infuriating smirk on his face. "You think you can stop me?" he taunts. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

I charge at him, fury driving me forward. "You bastard!" I scream, aiming a punch at his smug face.

He blocks me effortlessly and shoves me back. "Is that all you got?" he sneers.

Renzo is at my side in an instant, his eyes blazing with anger. "Leave her out of this, Lucas. This is between you and me."

Lucas laughs again, the sound grating on my nerves. "Oh, but she's very much involved now. Isn't she?"

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