Shattered dreams

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Renzo's POV 


I stride through the dimly lit alley, my footsteps echoing off the walls as I replay the argument with Selene over and over in my mind. The words she hurled at me cut deep, leaving wounds that ache with each passing moment. "You're so selfish, Renzo," her voice rings in my ears, each syllable a dagger to my heart.

I clench my fists, trying to suppress the anger boiling within me. How could she say such things? Doesn't she understand that everything I do, I do for her? But no matter how hard I try to push the thoughts away, they linger like a shadow, haunting me at every turn.

As I reach the end of the alley, I find myself standing alone, abandoned by the one person who means everything to me. The emptiness is suffocating, a stark reminder of the chasm that now lies between us.

With a heavy heart, I make my way back to my mansion, each step weighed down by the burden of my thoughts. The memories flood back, each one a painful reminder of what we used to have. But now, it feels like everything has been torn apart, irreparably damaged by our heated exchange.

Entering the grand foyer, I'm greeted by the oppressive silence of the empty halls. The emptiness is deafening, a stark contrast to the warmth and laughter that used to fill these walls. Now, they stand as silent witnesses to the fracture in our relationship.

I climb the staircase to my room, the memories of our argument swirling in my mind like a violent storm. I collapse onto my bed, the weight of my emotions threatening to crush me beneath their weight.

Thoughts of Selene consume me, her harsh words echoing in my mind like a never-ending refrain. How could she leave me like this, alone and broken? Doesn't she know how much she means to me?

But as I lie there, drowning in my own despair, something inside me shifts. Anger gives way to hurt, and hurt gives way to sadness, until I'm left feeling empty and hollow, like a shell of the person I used to be.

And then, as if on cue, the memories flood back, each one a painful reminder of what we used to have. The laughter, the smiles, the moments of pure joy...they all seem so distant now, like fragments of a dream slipping through my fingers.

Closing my eyes, I whisper to myself, "Happy 18th birthday to me," the words heavy with regret and longing. But even as I say them, I know that there's no going back, no undoing the damage that has been done.

And so, with a heavy heart and a weary soul, I let sleep claim me, hoping that maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will bring some semblance of peace. But deep down, I know that nothing will ever be the same again.


By Q.N Khan

End of season 1 !!! (It would've been if it was a series)

Omg such a sad chapter and to be honest I feel really bad for Renzo. I mean it was his birthday... What do you guys think?

Guys prepare yourself cause nothing is going to be same anymore... Everything is going to change... EVERYTHING.

Make sure to continue reading  because the main plot is going to begun NOW.

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