The New Beginning

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Selene's POV

I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to make sense of everything. My whole life has been a lie. Everything I thought I knew about myself and my family was fake. The tears come again, hot and unrelenting. I feel betrayed and lost. How could they keep this from me? How could my entire life be a fabrication?

Last night's revelations swirl in my mind. The woman—my real mother—had tried to comfort me. "It's going to be okay, Selene. We'll explain everything. Just give us a chance." Her voice had been soft and comforting, but it hadn't stopped the tidal wave of emotions from crashing over me.

I remember how I sank to the floor, overwhelmed by dizziness and disbelief. They explained everything, and slowly, things started to make sense. They told me how they had given me up to trusted friends to keep me safe. The people I had called Mom and Dad my whole life were really just guardians, part of a carefully orchestrated plan to protect me. My real parents had always been watching, ensuring I was safe and that my life was as normal as possible under the circumstances.

"Mamma, Papa, why did you do this? Why didn't you tell me?" I had asked, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and confusion.

Mamma had taken my hand, her eyes full of tears. "We wanted to, Selene, but it wasn't safe. There were too many dangers. We had to protect you. It was the hardest decision we ever made."

Papa had nodded, his expression somber. "We needed to ensure you grew up safe and away from the threats that come with our world. We couldn't let anyone find out about you until the time was right."

I had been furious at first. "So, you just gave me away? Let someone else raise me while you watched from a distance?"

"It wasn't like that," Papa had said gently. "We were always there, always watching. We had people keeping an eye on you, making sure you were safe and happy."

As they spoke, I had started to understand. It didn't make the hurt go away, but it made sense. They had done what they thought was best to protect me. And now, here I was, back with them. My real parents.

Now, lying in bed, I think about everything they told me. My mind races with thoughts and questions. My life will never be the same. I close my eyes, trying to steady my breathing, and eventually, exhaustion pulls me into a restless sleep.

The next morning, I wake up to a soft knock on the door. I groggily open my eyes and see Maria, a maid who had introduced herself last night, standing there with a warm smile. "Buongiorno, Miss Selene. Did you sleep well?"

I stretch and yawn, feeling the weight of yesterday's revelations still heavy on my shoulders. "Buongiorno, Maria. Yes, better than I expected, thank you."

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asks, still smiling.

"Yes, please. I'm starving," I admit as my stomach growls in agreement.

As I follow Maria downstairs, I take in more of the house. It's enormous, luxurious, and everything about it screams wealth and power. 


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