Masked In Elegance

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Selene POV


 I wake up to a knock on my door. Of course, I don't even need to ask who it is; I'm just too used to it now. But I still ask because why not. "Who is it?" I shout in a sleepy voice.

"Miss Selene, it's me, Maria," the voice from outside replies. "Can I come in?" she continues.

"Yeah, you can come in," I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

The door opens, and Maria steps inside. "Good morning, Miss Selene."

"Good morning... what is it?" I ask, still groggy.

"Your mum sent me to wake you up. You're going to be quite busy today because of the ball."

Oh, right. The ball. How could I forget the thing that kept me tossing and turning all night? "Oh, alright. Tell her I'll come down in..." I check the clock on my wall. "Ten minutes."

"Alright, ma'am," she says before leaving.

I let out a sigh and pick up my phone. "Oh shit!" I nearly have a heart attack when I see an unconscious man on my screen. But then I realize it's just Reno, who's still asleep. I look at him sleeping peacefully. God, he looks beautiful even when he sleeps, I think to myself. I can't believe neither of us hung up.

I head to the bathroom without disconnecting the call and freshen up. I change into a vest and shorts because it's summer and they're comfy, and honestly, I can't be bothered to dress up right now. I quickly look at Reno, who is still sleeping "technically" on my phone, and realize his phone is near his ear. Of course, I have an idea. I go into the toilet so no one can hear me and get the phone close to my mouth.

I scream, "WAKE UP!" loud enough to scare him but quiet enough not to worry people in my house.

Reno jolts awake, looking around in confusion before focusing on his phone screen. "Selene! What the hell? You trying to give me a heart attack?" he grumbles, rubbing his eyes.

I laugh, "Sorry, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up. You looked way too peaceful."

He chuckles, shaking his head. "You're evil, you know that?"

"I've been told," I reply with a grin. "So, what time did we even fall asleep?"

"Must've been late. I remember talking until... well, until I don't," he admits.

"Yeah, same here," I say. "Anyway, I have a busy day ahead. Got this ball thing tonight, and apparently, it's going to be a whole ordeal."

"Sounds fun. Who are you going with?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Some guy named Damon Hernandez. My mom set it up," I explain, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Interesting," he says, his tone a bit guarded. "Well, enjoy your princess treatment."

"Thanks, Reno. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I say, feeling a bit wistful.

"Sure thing, Selene. Have a great day," he replies, giving me a small smile before we hang up.

I head downstairs and find my mom waiting for me with a list of things to do. "Morning, sweetheart," she greets me.

"Morning, Mom. What's on the schedule today?" I ask, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Well, first, the hairstylist will be here in an hour. Then the makeup artist and the stylist. And finally, Damon Hernandez will be here to escort you to the ball," she explains, looking quite pleased with herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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