The Unseen Truth

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Reno's POV

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

My phone buzzes, jolting me from my thoughts. 

"Reno," Renzo's cold voice greets me. No preamble, no bullshit. I glance at the screen and nearly drop it. Renzo? How the fuck did he get my number? Hesitantly, I answer.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap, anger bubbling up immediately. "Haven't you done enough?"

"Calm the fuck down. We need to talk."

"Talk? Are you fucking serious? You kidnapped me, asshole!"

"I didn't kidnap you," he says flatly. "But I know who did. And I need you to help me identify him."

My blood runs cold. "What are you talking about?"

"Just meet me. I'll send you the location."

The call ends abruptly, and I stare at my phone, a mix of rage and confusion. This guy's got some nerve. But... if there's a chance he knows who really did this, I have to find out. Against my better judgment, I decide to go.

I wait at the address Renzo sent me, my heart pounding in my chest. A sleek black car pulls up, and Renzo steps out, his expression unreadable.

"Get in," he orders.

I hesitate for a moment before climbing in. The drive is silent, tense. I glance at him occasionally, trying to gauge his intentions, but his face is a mask of cold determination.

After what feels like forever, we stop in a secluded area. Renzo leads me into an old, abandoned warehouse. The smell hits me first—acrid, metallic, and unmistakably of death. My stomach churns.

In the dim light, I see it: a body, twisted and mutilated. Fingers snapped, face burned beyond recognition, throat slitted. I gag, turning away.

"Is this the guy?" Renzo's voice is ice-cold, and I can barely comprehend the question.

"What?" I manage to croak.

"Look at him. Is this the guy who kidnapped you?"

I force myself to turn back, my eyes watering from the stench and the sight. Slowly, painfully, I study the remains. The face is a mess, but there are faint traces, hints of familiarity.

"I... I think so," I whisper, my voice trembling. "I can't be sure, but he looks like him."

Renzo nods, his face still impassive. "Good. Now listen to me carefully. You don't tell Selene about this. Not a word."

"Why the fuck not?" I snap, anger flaring again. "She deserves to know."

"Because it's not safe," Renzo says, his tone deadly serious. "The less she knows, the better. Understand?"

I glare at him, torn between rage and fear. "Fine. But why should I trust you?"

He steps closer, his eyes boring into mine. "Because I care about her too. And I don't want her getting hurt. This isn't about you and me, Reno. This is about keeping her safe."

I swallow hard, finally nodding. "Alright. But I still don't get why someone would kidnap me because of her."

Renzo sighs, a rare flicker of frustration crossing his face. "I'm not sure either. But I'll find out."

The drive back is as silent as the way there. My mind races with questions, but I can't bring myself to ask any. When we finally stop near my house, I start to get out, but then I see her. Selene, standing across the street, her eyes widening as she spots me.

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