Unforeseen Revelations 💞

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As Reno and I poked our heads out to see what the fuss was about, we were greeted with the sight of a dude stumbling down the street like he was trying out for a role in a slapstick comedy. 

Seriously, his walk was more wobbly than a Jenga tower after a few too many shots. We just looked at each other and cracked up, like -

 "Did we accidentally stumble into a comedy club or something?"

"Looks like someone had a bit too much to drink," Reno chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

I smirked, nodding in agreement. "Definitely," I quipped, my tone laced with sarcasm.

With a final chuckle, Reno and I headed back inside, our laughter looming in the air.
Back inside, the atmosphere between us was charged with a playful energy, our chemistry was flowing effortlessly as we teased and joked with each other.

 Reno's eyes sparkled with passion as he leaned closer, his breath warm against my ear.

"You know, Selene, you're something else," he murmured, his voice low and intimate.
I felt a shiver run down my spine at his proximity, a rush of heat flooding my cheeks. 

"Oh really?" I replied, unable to suppress the grin that tugged at my lips.

Reno's gaze locked with mine, his eyes dark with desire. "Absolutely," he breathed, his voice husky with emotion.

I swallowed hard, the intensity of his gaze sending my heart racing. "Well, it's crazy how we both think too much alike ," I teased, my voice barely above a whisper.

A smirk played at the corners of Reno's lips as he leaned in closer, his lips hovering dangerously close to mine. 

"Careful, Selene," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. "You might just find yourself falling for me."

My pulse quickened at his words, a rush of anticipation coursing through me. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Clark," I shot back, my voice tinged with amusement.
But our playful, intense moment was interrupted by the sudden entrance of Reno's parents, their presence causing the mood to shift awkwardly. I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling self-conscious under their scrutinizing gazes.

"S-Selene, your mum is calling for you," Reno stammered, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

I nodded, shooting Reno a reassuring smile as I made my way out of the room, the tension between us lingering in the air like an unspoken promise. With a reluctant sigh, I bid Reno and his parents goodnight and made my way back to my house.

As I stepped into the dimly lit kitchen, the tension in the air was palpable, like a heavy blanket weighing down on my shoulders. 

My parents were already gathered around the table, their expressions grave as they exchanged hushed whispers. Something was off...

By Q.N Khan

Finally it's the weekend and now I can upload more chapters.

I have already wrote till chapter 9 but uploading is wayyy harder than I imagine.

Hope you guys are enjoying it soo far.

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