Family Secrets 🔒

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As I stepped into the dimly lit kitchen, the tension in the air was palpable, like a heavy blanket weighing down on my shoulders

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As I stepped into the dimly lit kitchen, the tension in the air was palpable, like a heavy blanket weighing down on my shoulders.

 My parents were already gathered around the table, their expressions grave as they exchanged hushed whispers. Something was off, I could feel it in the way their eyes darted nervously around the room, avoiding my gaze.

"Is everything okay?" I asked tentatively, trying to ignore the knot of anxiety that was tightening in my chest.

My parents exchanged a meaningful glance before my father motioned for me to take a seat at the table. 

"Sit down, Selene," he said, his voice grave.

I complied, my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for them to speak. There was a heaviness in the air that I couldn't shake, a sense of foreboding that made my skin prickle with unease.

"It's about your father's business," my mother began, her voice hesitant as she searched for the right words. "There have been some... complications."


The word hung in the air like a dark cloud, ominous and foreboding. My mind raced as I tried to make sense of what my mother was saying.

 What kind of complications could possibly threaten my father's business, and by extension, our entire way of life?

"Your father's been under a lot of pressure lately," my mother continued, her voice strained. "And, well, it's put a strain on our finances."

The implications of her words hit me like a ton of bricks, sending a chill down my spine. 

Money troubles. 

The thought sent a shiver down my spine, my mind racing with the implications of what it could mean for our family.

"We're going to have to make some... adjustments," my mother said, her voice barely above a whisper.


The word echoed in my mind, a stark reminder of the uncertain future that lay ahead.

As the gravity of the situation sunk in, I felt a sense of unease settle over me like a heavy cloak. There was something about my parents' demeanor, the way they avoided my gaze and exchanged meaningful glances, that made me feel like there was more to the story than they were letting on.

But try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something they weren't telling me, something lurking beneath the surface that threatened to unravel the carefully constructed facade of our lives.

As I sat in the dimly lit kitchen, surrounded by the weight of their words and the suffocating silence that hung in the air, I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden behind the closed doors of our seemingly ordinary suburban life.

And as I glanced back at my parents, their faces etched with worry and uncertainty, I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever lay ahead, it was going to change everything.

Made by Q.N Khan

I know this chapter is short but it is like a rest for you prepare you for the next long incoming chapter. 

There is going to be a new turn in the story soon...Everything is going to  change and something unexpected is going to happen so please keep on reading and trust me,  the story is going to get whole lot better.

I hope you are liking it so far .


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