Morning Call

18 4 2

Selene POV


I was in the middle of a vivid dream when the shrill ring of my phone jerked me awake. My eyes fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the dim morning light filtering through my curtains. With a groggy sigh, I reached for my phone on the nightstand, not bothering to check the caller ID before answering.

"Hello?" I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.

There was a pause on the other end, and then a deep, familiar voice spoke. "Selene, wake the fuck up."

I blinked, trying to process the sound of Renzo's voice. "Huh? Renzo?" I asked, still half-asleep and disoriented.

"Yes, it's me. Get up. You have twenty fucking minutes to get ready for training."

That snapped me awake. "Wait, what? Now? It's so early," I whined, rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Yes, now. You need to be ready in twenty minutes. No fucking excuses," he said firmly.

I groaned but knew there was no arguing with him. "Fine, fine. I'm getting up," I muttered.

I stumbled out of bed and headed to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face to wake myself up. After a quick shower, I dressed in my usual training outfit: black leggings and a sports bra. To add a touch of modesty, I threw on a zip-up crop hoodie.

As I did my makeup, I could hear my parents moving around downstairs. Today, I decided to greet them properly and make sure my excuse was solid. After all, I didn't want them to know about Renzo and his training sessions.

I took a deep breath and descended the stairs, putting on my best cheerful expression. "Buongiorno, mamma e papà," I greeted them brightly. Good morning, Mom and Dad.

My mom looked up from her coffee and smiled. "Buongiorno, tesoro. Come hai dormito?" Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?

"Abbastanza bene, grazie," I replied, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. Pretty well, thanks.

My dad raised an eyebrow as he looked at my outfit. "Perché sei così presto vestita? Hai dei piani?" Why are you dressed so early? Do you have plans?

I nodded, trying to appear casual. "Sì, sto andando in palestra con Sophia," I said, hoping they wouldn't ask too many questions. Yes, I'm going to the gym with Sophia.

My mom looked concerned. "Sei sicura? Non sembri molto entusiasta," she remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly. Are you sure? You don't seem very enthusiastic.

I forced a laugh. "No, no, sono entusiasta. Solo un po' stanca," I assured her. No, no, I'm excited. Just a bit tired.

My dad still looked skeptical. "Sophia, eh? Cosa farete in palestra?" Sophia, huh? What will you do at the gym?

"Allenamento generale. Sai, un po' di cardio, un po' di pesi," I said, hoping that would suffice. General workout. You know, some cardio, some weights.

They exchanged a glance but seemed to accept my explanation. "Bene. Divertiti e fai attenzione," my mom said finally. Alright. Have fun and be careful.

"Grazie. Lo farò," I replied, feeling a pang of guilt for lying to them. Thanks. I will.

As I headed out, I quickly called Sophia. She answered after a couple of rings, sounding half-asleep.

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