Renzo's Perspective

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Renzo POV


Fuck, mornings are the worst. I'm barely awake, and already my phone's buzzing. Another goddamn message. I open one eye, seeing the screen light up. It's Selene, always so fucking eager. She's done with all her training sessions, finally. Good, maybe now I can stop babysitting and actually get shit done.

I get dressed quickly, throwing on a black tee and cargos. My mind drifts to Selene. She's been a pain in my ass since day one, but I can't deny she's got potential. Hell, she might even be better than some of the guys in my crew.

As I head to the warehouse, I'm thinking about the night ahead. Jack and Selene want to celebrate. Fine by me. Any excuse to get drunk and blow off steam. I've been keeping them both close, especially Selene. There's something about her that I can't shake. Every time I see her with Reno, my blood fucking boils. What the hell is wrong with me?

I get to the warehouse and see her practicing. She's fierce and determined. I respect that. But today, she's different. She's smiling, probably thinking about the stupid party. I grit my teeth and try to focus.

"Hey, Renzo!" Jack calls out, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I snap, not in the mood for his bullshit.

"You ready for tonight? It's gonna be epic," he says with a grin.

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't get too fucked up," I reply, already feeling the headache coming on.

Selene approaches, and I can't help but notice how good she looks. Damn it. She's in her training gear, but even that's enough to make me think inappropriate shit. I shake my head, trying to clear my mind.

"Renzo, can we talk?" she asks, her voice softer than usual.

"What now?" I ask, more harshly than intended.

"I want to invite Reno and Sophia to the party," she says, looking at me with those big, pleading eyes.

"No. Absolutely not," I say immediately. The last thing I need is more people knowing about my business.

"Please, Renzo. I promise they won't know anything. I'll make up an excuse. Please?" she begs, and damn it, I hate how she can get to me.

"Fine. But if they find out anything, it's your ass," I warn, feeling my temper flare.

"Thank you!" she says, smiling brightly. Fuck, that smile.

The day drags on, and I find myself counting the minutes until tonight. When it's finally time, I head home to change. I put on a black suit, something that screams authority. I need to remind everyone who the fuck I am.

At the club, the place is packed. The music is loud, and the lights are dim. Perfect. I spot Jack first, already downing a drink. Typical. Then I see Selene. Holy shit. She's in a red, sparkly mini dress with silver chain straps. It hugs her body in all the right places.

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