Unmasking the Enemy

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Renzo's POV


It's been a few days since I started at this school. Blending in, keeping my head down, and not drawing too much attention. At least, that's what I was supposed to be doing. But fuck, how can I stay low-key when everyone wants a piece of me because of my looks or whatever? They have no idea who I really am. Just Matteo, the new guy. Only Selene and Reno know the real me.

Speaking of Reno, we've been keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. He still annoys the shit out of me, but we've got a job to do. And that job just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

Lucas. Something about him doesn't sit right. Maybe it's the way he smiles too easily, or how he always seems to be around Selene. I mean, what's his deal? I asked one of my guys to run a background check on him. It's Friday now, and the report should be ready by the weekend. Just in time.

Selene's been hanging out with Lucas a lot lately. And it's driving me nuts. Not that I care, right? But every time I see them laughing together, it's like a punch to the gut. She's also talking to Reno, which pisses me off even more, even though they seem more distant than before.

The final bell rings, and it's time to head home. I spot Selene in the hallway, and I quicken my pace to catch up with her. She's talking to Lucas, of course. Great.

"Hey, Selene, got a minute?" I call out, trying to keep my voice casual.

She turns, smiling when she sees me. "Sure, Matteo. What's up?"

Lucas looks at me with a smirk, but I ignore him. "We need to talk about training," I say, my eyes locking onto hers.

"Oh, about that..." she starts, looking a bit uncomfortable. "I can't make it this Saturday. I have plans."

"What plans?" I ask, already knowing the answer but needing to hear it from her.

She hesitates, glancing at Lucas before answering. "I have a date with Lucas."

My blood boils. "You're skipping training for a fucking date?" I snap, my voice louder than I intended.

"Hey, calm down, Matteo," Lucas says, stepping closer. "It's just one night."

I glare at him, but focus on Selene. "Training is important, Selene. You know that."

She looks torn, but then she sighs. "I know, but I need a break. Just one night, okay?"

I want to argue, to tell her she's making a mistake, but I bite my tongue. "Fine," I say through gritted teeth. "But don't forget what's at stake."

"I won't," she promises, giving me a small smile. "Thanks, Matteo."

"Yeah, whatever," I mutter, turning on my heel and storming off.

Saturday morning rolls around, and I'm still fuming. How could she blow off training for Lucas? Doesn't she realize how dangerous this is? I grab my phone and see a text from my guy.

Sir, your suspicion was right about Lucas.

Fuck. I knew it. I knew there was something off about him. Now I just need to figure out how to tell Selene without scaring her off.

I spend the day trying to cool down, but it's no use. My thoughts keep drifting back to Selene and Lucas. What if he's using her? What if she gets hurt because of him?

I need to talk to her. Now.

I grab my keys and drive over to her house. My mind races with a thousand different scenarios, each one worse than the last. I can't let her get caught up in this mess.

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