Trial By Fire

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**Renzo's POV**


I don't think I've ever been this pissed off in my entire life. Selene's voice still echoes in my head, shaky and scared—a tone I've never heard from her. That jarring Reno, annoying and always ready for a fight, kidnapped and left in the middle of nowhere. But he was Selene's close friend...someone's going to pay for this. They'll regret ever laying a finger on him.

First thing's first, I need to find the asshole who did this. Reno described him well enough: tall, late 30s, tanned skin, with a deep voice. That narrows it down, but in our line of work, it could be anyone. I've got a hunch, though. There's only one guy crazy enough to pull this shit, who matches the description and is bold enough to leave Reno unharmed just to send a message.

Snake Eyes.

I call my most reliable contact, Alex, a former private investigator with a knack for finding people who don't want to be found.

"Alex, I need a favor."

"Renzo, you sound more pissed than usual. What's up?"

"I need to find Snake Eyes. Now."

"Fuck, Renzo, that's not a small ask. You know he's got half the city in his pocket."

"Just do it, Alex. Reno's life depends on it."

"Alright, alright. I'll dig around. Give me a few hours."

Hours. I don't have a few hours, but I don't have a choice. I pace my office, running through possible scenarios and outcomes. Snake Eyes must have a reason for this. He's not a random player; he's strategic, a snake in the grass waiting for the right moment to strike.

Finally, Alex calls back.

"Got a location. Abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. Real cliché, but it fits his style."

"Thanks, Alex. I owe you one."

I grab my gear—a knife, some rope, and a few other tools of persuasion. I'm not taking any chances. This isn't just about information; this is about sending a message. You don't fuck with my friend and walk away unscathed.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I drive to the warehouse, the rage boiling inside me like a volcano ready to erupt. When I arrive, it's just as Alex said: abandoned, dark, and perfect for what I have in mind.

I sneak in, quiet as a ghost, and find Snake Eyes in a small room, counting money with a smug look on his face. He doesn't even see me coming. I slam his head into the table, knocking him out cold. When he wakes up, he's tied to a chair in the middle of the room, and I'm standing over him, a knife in my hand.

"Morning, sunshine," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

He groans, blinking against the harsh light I've aimed right at his face.

"Renzo... unexpected to see you'd come for me."

"You should've been more careful. Now, you're going to tell me why the fuck you kidnapped Reno and who you're working for."

He laughs, blood trickling from his mouth. "You think I'm scared of you?"

"You should be."

I start with the knife, slicing a thin line across his cheek. He winces but doesn't scream. Tough guy. We'll see how long that lasts.

I press the blade against his throat, just enough to draw blood. "Talk you motherfucker !"

"Go to hell."

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