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Reno's POV


I wake up in a dark room, my head pounding like a fucking jackhammer. Where the hell am I? How did I get here? Questions swirl in my head as I try to shake off the haze. I attempt to stand up, but that's when I realize – I'm tied to a fucking chair. What the fuck?

Regaining consciousness fully, I take stock of my situation. What should I do? I wriggle around, trying to loosen the ropes, but end up toppling over, crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

Suddenly, a sliver of light pierces the darkness as a door opens. A silhouette stands there, backlit, and a deep voice speaks. "Well, hello. You're finally awake, Reno."

Who is this asshole? "Who are you?" I demand.

"Be patient, little boy. First, we need to pick you up." He motions to two other men who enter and haul my chair back upright.

Now that I can see him properly, I take in his appearance. Tall, tanned skin, looks like he's in his late 30s. "Now tell me who you are," I insist.

"It's not important who I am, kid," he says, his tone blank. "You should be worrying about why you're here."

His words trigger my memory. FLASHBACK ~

I was on a call with Selene. "Okay, I'll see you later," she says, hanging up. I felt a bit of relief after talking to Selene because she stayed the whole night with that son of a bitch. I was mad at him but didn't want to make a scene... so I let him go just because of Selene. My parents are always concerned about me and insist on taking the bodyguards with me but I declined as Selene said she couldn't have a lot of people at the party.

I went towards my car and sat in the passenger seat – I am still not old enough to have a proper license. I waited for my driver to come back and, shockingly, he wasn't there. That's when a guy comes back, but he wasn't my usual driver. He said he came as a replacement because my regular driver got sick. I found it odd but was too tired to think much about it. Yup, that was my biggest mistake ever.

When he started driving, he took a different route. I asked him about it, but he didn't reply and just kept on driving. I was kind of coming to my senses now. I tried to find my emergency knife – I wanted a gun but this was the UK (why can't this shit country allow guns... I mean, I don't want it to become America, but you get my point). That's when he stops the car. It's weird. I suddenly took my knife out and put it on his neck, but he pulled some moves and hit my head with something – making me unconscious. That was the last thing I remember.


"I don't know... why I'm here," I say, looking down.

He doesn't reply. I look up and shout, "TELL ME WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE?"

He laughs. HE FUCKING LAUGHS. "Woah, no need to scream, I'm standing right here."

"Answer me," I say, my voice calm but laced with anger.

"Well, that's for you to figure out."

"I have no fucking idea why I'm here. At least give me a damn clue," I say to him.

"Hmm, well I'm sure we can do that. Let's say it's because of something that happened last night," he replies with a smirk.

Last night. Reno, use your brain. What happened last ni- THE PUNCH. I AM SURE THAT RENZO DID ALL THIS. HOW CAN HE GO THIS LOW?

"Is it... is it because of what happened in the club?" I ask him.

"Aha, so now that brain of yours is working," he says with a smile. I really want to punch that smile off his face.

"Is it because of the fight?" I ask him.

He thinks for a moment and then replies, "Well, yeah, kind of."

What in the world does he mean by kind of?

"Can't you just fucking tell me why I'm here!" I shout at him.

"Jeez, this kid's got a tongue." He shakes his head. "Alright, well, some of my people told me that you kissed a girl... to be more specific, you kissed Selene."

Selene. Kiss. IT HAS TO BE THAT ASSHOLE. He got so tensed up last night because of that kiss that he punched me and then ordered his fucking men to kidnap me.

"That motherfucker," I murmur.

The man raises an eyebrow. "Motherfucker? Well, that's one way to put it."

He steps closer, his face now inches from mine. "You've got some balls, kid. Kissing the wrong girl, making enemies... not very smart for someone in your position."

"What do you want from me?" I ask, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at my gut.

He smirks. "Simple. Stay away from Selene. You do that, and we won't have any more problems. Cross that line again, and you won't like the outcome."

With that, he turns to leave. "Untie him," he orders his men.

They cut the ropes, and I fall to the floor, my limbs aching from the restraint. They lift me, roughly blindfold me, and drag me out of the building.

Where the fuck are they taking me now?

We drive for what feels like an eternity, the car's engine a constant hum in my ears. My heart pounds as I try to piece together my next move. Finally, the car stops, and they yank me out, shoving me onto the pavement.

"Here's your phone," one of them says, tossing it at my feet. "Remember what we said."

The car speeds off, leaving me in the middle of nowhere. I tear off the blindfold and grab my phone, dialing my parents. The call connects, and I quickly explain my situation.

"Stay where you are," my father orders. "We're sending guards and a driver to get you."

I wait, every minute feeling like an hour. When the car finally arrives, I collapse into the back seat, my body still trembling.

Once I'm home, I call Selene. The phone rings once, twice, and then she picks up.

"Reno? Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick!" she yells into the phone.

"Selene, I..." My voice breaks, the events catching up to me. "I got fucking kidnapped."

"What? By who? Why?" she demands, her voice a mix of anger and concern.

"I think... I think it was because of Renzo. He couldn't handle what happened last night."

There's a long pause. "Renzo... I knew he was trouble. But kidnapping you?"

"Yeah. Listen, I'll explain everything later. I just... I needed to hear your voice."

"Stay safe, Reno. We'll figure this out together."

As I hang up, a thousand thoughts race through my mind. This isn't over. Not by a long shot. But at least I know one thing: I'm not alone in this.

The door to my room opens, and my father steps in, his face a mask of concern and anger. "We need to talk," he says, his voice cold.

What the hell now?


By Q.N Khan

Hey everyone, I hope you like this chapter. I can't believe that we've reached 100 reads. Thank you sooo much. Please keep on supporting my book and make sure to comment and fan vote. Luv youu alll. Have a great day and time while reading this. ENJOYYY ( :

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