Birthday Blues

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Selene POV


It's my 17th birthday today, and I should be excited. I should be waking up to the usual mysterious letter that always arrives without fail. But when I wake up, there's nothing. No letter, no clue. Just an empty feeling that sits heavy in my chest. I've always received these letters on my birthday, ever since I can remember. They're always filled with strange, cryptic messages and instructions. I never questioned them much; I just did what they said. On my 10th birthday, the letter told me to start training to become a good fighter. I thought it was weird but kinda cool, like a secret mission. So, I did it. And now, there's no letter, and it's throwing me off.

I push the thought aside as I get ready for school. Every action feels wrong. The toothbrush feels foreign in my hand, the water too cold on my face, the air too heavy with expectation. My chest tightens as I mechanically go through the motions of getting dressed. My eyes keep darting back to the door, half-expecting the letter to magically appear.

When I step outside, Sophia, my best friend, is waiting for me, bouncing with excitement. Her vibrant energy is almost painful against the bleakness of my mood.

"Happy Birthday, Selene!" she screams, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Thanks, Soph," I mumble, trying to muster some enthusiasm. My voice sounds hollow, even to me. The words taste bitter.

She pulls back, frowning. "What's wrong, girl? You look bummed out."

I sigh, the weight of the missing letter pressing down on me like a leaden shroud. "I didn't get my letter this year."

Her eyes widen. "What? But you always get one! Maybe it'll come later."

"Maybe," I say, but I don't believe it. The letters have always been there, like clockwork. The absence of one feels like a sign, a bad omen I can't shake. A silent scream echoes in my mind, but I swallow it down, forcing myself to breathe.

We head to school, and as soon as I walk in, I'm bombarded with birthday wishes. My locker is covered in colorful post-it notes, and I'm showered with gifts. Being popular has its perks, but today, it all feels hollow. Each wish and gift feels like a knife twisting in my gut. I fake a smile, trying to seem appreciative, but my mind is elsewhere, trapped in a loop of anxiety and confusion.

In the cafeteria, I sit with Sophia and the rest of our friends. They're all talking about the party we had last night. It was fun, but my heart wasn't in it. I kept glancing at my phone, hoping for a message from Renzo. Nothing. Each silent vibration felt like a small death.

"So, what did you get from your secret admirer?" Jake, one of the guys in our group, asks with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Nothing yet."

Sophia nudges me. "Come on, you can tell us!"

I shrug, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on me. "Seriously, nothing."

The conversation shifts, and I zone out, lost in my thoughts. It's been three months since the argument with Renzo. We haven't spoken since. I stopped going to the training sessions, and I messaged him to let him know, but he never replied. Not a single word. He acted like a dickhead. I can't believe he just cut me off like that.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

After school, I head home, trying to shake off the weird feeling in my gut. My parents have planned a small celebration, just the three of us. When I walk in, they're waiting with a cake and some presents. It's nice, but I can't help but feel like something's missing.

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