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🎧 Amour Plastique ★ Video Club, Adèle Castillon, Mattyeux

Hyeongjun hurried to the library to meet Seungmin during break time. He found the older boy standing, against the bookshelf.

"Why'd you ignore me?" Not even a hi, he wasn't in the wrong, but starting their conversation like this after a long time without talking is not the best.

"Cause I thought you were with Jungsu, so I didn't want to intervene" Hyeongjun explained, looking at the floor. Seungmin laughed before nodding, he understood why he did it. But he couldn't see why the younger boy thought they were dating.

"That's fine, you know what, this is the second time we ignore each other" Seungmin noted, he looked at Hyeongjun.

"Let's promise each other that we'll talk everything out!" Seungmin stuck out his pinky, Hyeongjun linked his pinky before locking eyes with him. He started losing himself in the former's eyes. It wasn't until a boom from the shelf fell that they ended their eye contact.

"Yeah" Hyeongjun quickly said before picking up the book and looking around, to see where it fell from.

"We have P.E afterwards" Seungmin reminded, the younger of the two rolled his eyes.

"We're supposed to be in groups of two, do you want to be with me?" Seungmin asked after a couple seconds of hesitation. He hoped that his crush would accept. And luckily for him, he did.

"Great, then, should we head out? It's ringing soon" Seungmin stuck out his hand so that Hyeongjun could hold it, except the latter just simply held on to his wrist. So, Seungmin simply just held his wrist as well and the boys went over to the gymnasium.

"Guess what these two were about to do in the middle of the hallway if Jungsu didn't need to put his books away" Gunil said while shaking his head in disappointment.

"Well sorry that I wanted to act like a couple with my boyfriend" Jiseok loudly said loudly, making people around him hear what he had said.

"They were about to make out" Jungsu explained, slightly interrupting Jiseok who shot him a dirty look.

"Alright, well I hope you had fun" Seungmin said, not knowing how to react correctly. The six boys then all looked at each other, and without saying anything, all agreed to move on from this discussion as there were much better things to talk about.

"Alright class, pair up, we'll be separating the class into different stations, you'll be two groups at each station" The class immediately separated, Seungmin and Hyeongjun stayed next to each other, not moving a single bit.

"You two, go there" The teacher looked at Seungmin and Hyeongjun, the two went over to some blue cones.

A couple of minutes later Jungsu and Gunil joined them. Jooyeon and Jiseok were stationed right before them.

"I bet my biggest secret, that Jiseok and Jooyeon will be called a homophobic slur" Seungmin said before starting the first exercise.

"How I love a full minute of constant planking" Hyeongjun and Seungmin went to the floor as the two others observed.

Every different station had a different exercise, a total of 3 minutes per station. 30 seconds to get ready, first two for a minute, then half a minute to swap and finally a final minute for the second pair.

Once they had finished it was Gunil and Jungsu's turn, so they could talk.

"I'm sorry for always assuming you're dating a guy, it's assuming your sexuality when you're straight" Seungmin shook his head before chuckling after hearing what Hyeongjun had just said. The latter didn't understand what was funny about his apology, but a couple of seconds- more like half a minute, later, he finally explained himself.

"You just assumed my sexuality right there" Right after the teacher blew the whistle, Hyeongjun furrowed his eyebrows as Seungmin stood up to go to the next exercise. He then followed him and got ready for the jumping jacks.

He was confused by what Seungmin said, now obviously, both Jungsu and Seungmin knew that the latter was nowhere near straight. But that was only known by the two of them.

While doing the jumping jacks, Hyeongjun lost his balance and fell over Seungmin. The two were face to face on the floor. The younger of the two was on top.

"Sorry" Hyeongjun muttered out before slowly standing up. Obviously, Seungmin was blushing bright red. But what was rather strange was the light pink blush on Hyeongjun's cheek. Gunil and Jungsu noticed this, yet they didn't say anything. They both decided to talk about it between themselves later.



Finally using a song from one of my two languages!

-Jude out!


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