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The sound of raindrops on the windows created a beautiful melody, a soft and peaceful nature music that filled the room with tranquility. The gentle pitter-patter of the rain was a soothing lullaby, calming the troubled minds and hearts of those who listened.

For days, the rain had been pouring down relentlessly, a symbol of cleansing and renewal. But now, the rain had stopped, and the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds, painting the world in golden hues. The birds chirped happily as they flew out of their sheltered nests, and the forest animals emerged from their hiding places, eager to find food and enjoy the fresh air.

In the cabin demon and his mate, Jimin, were still sleeping soundly under the sheets, their bodies entwined like two hearts beating as one. Jimin, the omega, snuggled closer to his alpha, unwilling to leave the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

As the sun rays filtered through the window, they landed on Jimin's face, causing him to stir from his slumber. He blinked blearily, trying to make sense of his surroundings. It took him a moment to remember how he had ended up in the alpha's chamber, his bed.

Jimin had gone to check on his alpha the night before, finding him sound asleep on the floor.

He looked at the alpha's sleeping form, he couldn't help but admire the handsome features that had caused him so much pain.

Jimin couldn't believe the words that had just escaped his lips. "You are so handsome," he murmured softly, his heart aching with conflicted emotions. He knew he shouldn't feel this way about the alpha, the one who had hurt him and his family. But his heart and his wolf had other ideas, craving for him and his attention.

As he lay there beside him, Jimin reached out tentatively to touch his face. "Look at you, cute bunny," he giggled, poking the alpha's nose and then his puffy cheeks. "Bun bun bo bo." Jimin didn't realize that the alpha was awake and pretending to sleep enjoying omega's playful touches and his cute actions with his baby voice. Jimin was lost in the moment, feeling a sense of comfort and warmth that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Without realizing it, Jimin slowly climbed on top of the alpha, his naked body pressed against the alpha's own naked form. Demon's eyes were closed, his breathing even as if he were asleep.

"I hate you," Jimin mumbled softly, his voice cracking with emotion. He ran his fingers through Demon's hair, feeling the soft strands slip through his fingertips. "But my Wolfie always craves for your attention and love. What is happening to me? .I should hate you for hurting me and my family, but why can't I?. I need answers, but I know you will never tell me. And also, I know you know everything about my feelings and how my wolf reacts towards you. You make me crazy, but alpha, I don't hate you. I can't hate you don't know wh-y.....but now seeing you cutie sleeping like a small pup, demon pup .....i want to kiss you .....see you made me crazy for you ......aishh"His emotions are now high and his wolf is so happy continued to play with the alpha's features like a curious pup, exploring every inch of his face with gentle fingers. He felt a sense of peace wash over him, a feeling of joy and contentment that he couldn't ignore.

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