Watched 3.

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Y/n's POV

Was so exhausting, majority of the time was just me and Madara arguing, geez I hate him. He's so annoying. Ugh he's such a weirdo. I'm currently walking to the hotel building, I stretched making my way inside. The first person I saw was the front desk lady.

"Hello I would like to rent out a room" I smiled

"Oh lovely, and what room will that be" She asked

"Actually can I first know you best rating rooms" I asked

"Oh yeah for sure. The rooms will be, 102, 215, and 106. Two out of the three have the same ratings." She smiled to me. Hmm

I did some research before I even came to this hotel, during work I searched this hotel and yet their biggest room isn't even in the top ratings. Apparently the last few weeks, the people who sleep in 302 have been struggling badly. According to the internet the come out the room looking insane, almost if that room is an asylum.

"Uh no I would like to rent out room 302" I said ready to pay for the first night, she looked almost scared for me.

"Are you sure?" She laughed, her laugh was so fake

I nodded and watched her grab the key. She handed me the key and softly whispered, 'Job luck'. The hell? She acts like I'm going to die.

I took the elevator to room 302, its on the top floor. I'm not even going to lie this hotel looked amazing. Honestly it's beautiful, I can tell it's expensive. Every furniture item looks shiny and expensive. This place is clean, so clean it sparkled.

I walked through the top hall, this place is gorgeous. How can it get bad reviews, oh my. It took my breath away. I made it to the room and walked in, closing the door behind me.

The room is absolutely stunning, it's huge. It's almost the size of the lobby. The bed looked like it was made of gold. I walked around the room taking in every detail. It has a large bathroom with a jacuzzi, it even comes with a kitchen, a beautiful kitchen. But not much in the kitchen. It didn't have a stove only a microwave, and fridge. But it still looked good.

It comes with a telephone to calm food service and a card register to pay for your food on card. Hmm pretty handy. The fridge only had water in it, lots of water. I didn't think much of it. It comes with a large couch and Tv. Lovely wall furniture and actual furniture.

A regular person might think this place is amazing at first glance but not me. This room has odd vibes and a smell. A regular person would've never caught that, but as a former assassin I noticed right when I walked in. The smell is very faint but it's there, I can tell it's there. It smells terrible, it smells almost dead. Like something had died.

I didn't want to worry too much about it now since I'm already exhausted from work. I took my heels off and crawled into bed laying down. I instantly regretted it. It was so obvious even a regular person could tell. This bed is far to bumpy to sleep in. My back hurts already, I can't lay here, my neck hurts, my legs aren't even laying down, it looks like it's levitating. "The hell?" I climbed off the bed and stared at it.

"It doesn't look bumpy" I stared

Hmm, "Maybe something is under it" I picked up the mattress and saw nothing, only the bed frame supporting the mattress. When I placed the bed down, the bed sheet slid off. I kneeled down picking it off the floor, but then saw a zipper connected to the empty mattress. "Since when do beds have zippers?" I glared

I unzipped the mattress and it split into two, my eyes widened when I saw what was between the two beds. Guns, tons of guns and money. That's what made the mattress so bumpy. "Oh my..." I didn't think this was Madara's doing, I just assumed the person who slept here forgot their items.

I looked through the stuff and saw each and every gun, small or big. Had the exact same mark. A circle with multiple other circles inside the circle. Seeing this mark sight tons of memories, making me reminisce about my assassin days. I always used gums with this mark because my father and brother taught me to and they used guns that had that mark, only guns with that mark were allowed in our family. My grandfather would call the mark the Rinnegan.

"Why the hell..." I shoved all the guns and money under the bed, so it's not in the mattress anymore. I zipped the mattress and laid down. I took a deep breath and tried to sleep closing my eyes slowly. But I still couldn't sleep. The time is now 2:37am. But I noticed something. The room is quiet, way too quiet. I know that should be a good thing but in my life it's not. Father always told me silence has a sound, and now I'm starting to believe it. The room is quiet but not silent.

I laid there, taking in every sound. The cars driving by, the ac, the elevator, the wind breeze, the cats outside. Then I heard it, the cars drove past, the ac stopped, the elevator dinged, the wind stopped, and the cats ran away. Causing silence. But no, this isn't the sound of silence. I can hear it. There's a very faint ringing noise. Trying to intimidate the sound of silence. "I hear you..." I slowly got out of bed. The ringing noise didn't stop. It sounded almost like a dog whistle, but very very quiet. A regular person would've never heard it.

I noticed the closer I walked to the couch the louder it got. With no hesitation I pulled the couch cushions off the couch and saw nothing, I then leaned against the couch listening, the ringing got louder. I moved the couch since I suspected it being in the wall but no, when I moved the couch the ringing moved with it.

"It's in the couch" I leaned my head on the back of the couch and listened, there. Right there that's where it came from, inside the couch. I grabbed my heel and stabbed into the couch, with enough force you can stab into anything with anything.

I dug my hand into the couch and found it, some device that wouldn't stop ringing. I smashed it and it shut up, I then there it out the window ,off the balcony.

I laid down, exhausted. I'm mentally tired but I'm body isn't exhausted at all. All that training really isn't being all that helpful right now.

I calmed my breathing and slowly blinked my eyes to sleep, but I still couldn't sleep. Not only did I keep hearing the ringing noise but I also felt watched. I knew I was being watched right when I walked in but now it feels more strong, almost like there was a presence there. I sat up at looked at the time. It's now 2:59am, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water to drink. Once I took a sip it tasted weird but I assumed it's just because it's old.

When I sat on the bed and turned off the light I started to see something move in the corner of the room, but when I turned the light back on nothing was there. I turned it off and saw something moving again. "The hell?" I rubbed my eyes and decided to sit on the floor closer to the corner with the figure moving, I waved my hand and felt nothing but air. I started to get a bit weirded out. I took another sip of the water. A few seconds after I drank my eyes started to fight me. They wouldn't stay open.

"You can't fall asleep Y/n.." I told myself repeatedly, but my eyes just wouldn't stay open. My head started to get dizzy. I can't sleep now, the ringing noise, the feeling of being watched, these delusions I'm seeing. I can't sleep now. Then my head it the floor and I knocked out. I feel asleep.


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