Realization 35.

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Madara's POV
20 minutes ago

I stared at her, watching her closely as she dances with randoms in the crowd. I couldn't help but somewhat smile. I know I don't like her but her presence and smile is just so precious. That's not something I get to see often. So I didn't want to loose it, that's why I stuck with her. I basically glued her to me, I want her to stay happy.

Seeing her talk to Minho really shook my hands because I didn't want her to get hurt already. So I watched closely as she danced around the dance floor. Then someone came and tapped my shoulder, I didn't bother to look.

"Who are you staring at" A women's voice asked, I already knew who it was, stupid Stephanie.

"What do you want" I'm still not looking at what she's doing around me, I just ignored her whole presence. I'm too drunk to be dealing with her, I can barely even think straight right now.

Stephanie scoffed and turned me to look at her. Y/n is no longer on the dance floor I wonder where she went.

"Oh don't tell me you're staring at Y/nn" She whine handing me my drink. I took a sip, swallowing it down. Since when was it this bitter? I could've sworn I asked for nothing strong.

"Madara...Just keep your eyes on me.." She leaned in closer but my head started to spin, what the hell was in that drink. I feel like passing out, my eyes are getting heavy.

I took a good look at Stephanie, looking her in her eyes and why does she look different, her hair color is different and so are her eyes. Y/n?

"Madara...Or do you like it when I call you Uchiha" She chuckled, wrapping her arms around my neck. Why is she calling me that, only Y/n does. But she's not Y/n. Uhh, I can't think, my head hurts so badly. My eyes won't stay open. I felt like barfing.

"No...Your not her." I tried to pull her away but without another thought, she pulled me in and kissed me hard, and close. She pressed her body against mine. Not allowing me to move, honestly i'm not even kissing her back. I feel so sick. Uhh, I can't.

Then all of a sudden I heard a gasp. I opened my eyes to see her, standing there with wide hurt eyes. Like everything she ever loved had just crashed in front of her. Y/n. Why of all times why did she have to see this. I already know I messed up.

With the little strength I have, I shoved Stephanie off me, she laughed a fell against the bar but I didn't care. My eyes were staring straight into Y/n's, everything around me is colorful and burry. But I know my girl and I know that's her. I wanted to take a step forward to her but she ran. She had ran through the crowd to the front doors. Where is she going? Is she leaving me? No don't leave. Not like this, this isn't how it ends.

I tried to go after her but I could barely walk. I can feel myself stumbling from side to side. Once I got closer to the door, I saw my men. Obito and Itachi, well I hoped it was then. Everyone looks red and white, bright colors. But I can understand their voices and their tones.

"Madara?" One of them said, I think it was Itachi.

"Yo are you good" The other one took my arm, and I know it's Obito for sure, since he's taller than me. 

"Druang..." I tried to speak but it felt like my tongue was swelling.

"Huh, what was that" Obito said, helping me walk out the building and loud music.

"Dr uuaau GGGHH" I tried to slowly phrase my words so they can understand.

"Drug?" Itachi said a I nodded, then I pointed to myself.

Realization | U. MadaraWhere stories live. Discover now