Stature 4.

42 2 0


Y/n's POV

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache, just why the hell does my head hurt so back, I got up and looked around. I found myself sitting on the floor right in front of a corner. "Oh yeah, last night I kept seeing something in this corner" I groaned and stretched "Geez your going crazy Y/n..." I walked to the bathroom but stop and froze in my tracks. In the corner of my eye I see a scratch or mark on the balcony door. "The hell? I didn't do that" Which means someone was in here. But no body came in while I was awake.

"Which means they came in while I was asleep, but how will they know if I was asleep, if I was alone. Which means I wasn't alone. Which means someone actually was watching me and I wasn't going crazy" I gave myself a pat on the back.

Then I got chills up my spine, "I was being watched?" I felt my hands shake and adrenaline rush through my body. "It's okay Y/n, It's been a minute since the last time you've felt like this" I walk to the bathroom and scoff, "Makes me think of the old days" I remember back when my father trained me and my brother. I'd have to run through the dark forest in our backyard while my brother shot his gun at me. Man I was so scared, adrenaline took over and moved me itself.

I got ready for work. My outfit from yesterday is thrown somewhere in the room and I didn't have time to look for it, so I put on my leather bodysuit. It's not really appropriate for work since it's tight but who cares, screw Madara.

When I got to work, I noticed it's much louder then yesterday. As I'm going up the elevator I can hear Madara already arguing with someone.


"L/n you're late" Madara scowled me

"Don't mention it, I've had a long night" I said calmly. I'm seconds away from screaming into his face

"What is this?" He chuckled pointing at my outfit his eyes traveled my body.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He said cocky and confident. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Walking to my seat ignoring him. I honestly don't have any time for his attitude today. 'Cocky Bastard' I sighed under my breath.

I began my work and stayed quiet, but yet again I feel his stare on me.

"What do you want? A coffee" I asked, the attitude rolled off my tongue.

He chuckled "No honestly, today I'm in a good mood. So please, no attitude today?" Geez I can't stand this guy.

"Speak for yourself" I sighed a kept working, taking my eyes off him.

"You knoww" He started, I groaned. Oh myy when does he ever shut up, come on now dude get the hint. I don't want to talk to you.

"Wearing an outfit like that to work can get you fired" Madara said, I can hear him chuckling.

"My myy L/n what were you thinking"

"Can you just shut the hell up!?" I slipped

He scoffed surprised "Just who the hell do you think you're talking to!?" He almost shouted.

"I thought I told you no attitude!" Madara stared into my eyes. His cold stare sent shivers down my spine.

"Well you wouldn't receive any attitud, if you weren't so damn annoying!" I shouted back

"The hell!? I literally asked you a question. You just have a stick up your a*s, ugly negative nassy" He smirked

"Ugh just stop talking to me" I said calmly

"You just walked in and you're already ruining my day, damn your boring" He groaned pouting a bit. Childish freak.

"Why are you even in a good mood anyway?" I asked

He smirked, I regret asking because now he's going to be all cocky about it. "My business just upgraded by a lot" He chuckled proudly and looked to his computer. But when he placed his hand back on the desk I noticed something. He has a small stature of a circle. At first I thought nothing of, but when I stared harder I realized. It's the Rinnegan sigh. The one from last night, the one from my childhood. I gasped.

"Hm?" He looked at me

"Oh uhm, nothing" I covered and went back to work. Almost already exposed myself and my thoughts. I started to think about last night. I mean, why did Madara have a stature of the Rinnegan logo. And why did he have tons of Rinnegan guns in his hotel room. The same logo and the same guns.

How does he have that logo, and how does he have that many guns. Is he connected with the brand? But I also had these guns since childhood. Relax Y/n, maybe he just likes guns and likes the brand so much still the point where he has a stature of the logo.

But last night..Geez what even happened to me, how did I knock out. Usually I can get my body and mind to stay awake whenever I wanted it to but last night I just couldn't. I've trained for this. I've trained so much so why didn't I stay awake. And that ringing noise, I mean come on just what the heck was that. Why would anyone want that in a hotel room. But even when I got rid of it, I kept hearing it. But why just why did I keep seeing figures in the dark. When the light was on it was gone. But It's off it was there again. It was like I was going insane or even git drugged.

But what the hell did I do or eat for that to happen, I know myself and I know I would never ever do drugs, so that's out the picture. Maybe the ringing noise made me loose my mind a bit. And then there was this morning. The balcony, someone got into the hotel, no wonder I felt watched.

This topic is only giving me a headache geez, but I only started seeing figures after I drank-

"UHHH earth to Y/n!" Madara's shouting interrupted my thoughts, geez he's so annoying.


"Damn you've been staring at my desk for like a while now" He said


"So?! GIRL go make my coffee, are you like deaf?" He said, so sassy. I chuckled, rolling my eyes. I left the office and went to go get him some coffee, I completely forgot what I was thinking about before he interrupted, something about water I think.


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