Basement 32.

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Y/n's POV

When I got to the bar, it was pretty empty. I wonder where everyone is at, usually Tarou and his friend are here but today he's not. Hmm. I looked to the side of the bar and saw a group of girls. But I instantly recognized one of their voices. It was Jug-eum and her friends. Ugh what are they  doing here.

I can hear them laughing rather loudly, I tried to ignore them but Jug-eum just really pissed me off, I can't stand her. Her voice is squeaky and her tone is whiny. I actually hate her, she just pushes something in me that makes me want to scream.

"Oh look it's her" One of the girls laughed, I can feel all their stares on me. Ooo girl, I know you not talking about me.

I glanced at them, and they are in fact staring at me. Geez I just want to grab the drinks and leave before things get messy. But this bartender isn't even here. I know I should just leave, that's what Itachi would want me to do. But no, I honestly can't stand Jug-eum, everything about just makes me want to shout.

"Well, well well. If it isn't Y/nn" Jug-eum said walking over to me, her three friends stood behind her. Four against one? Okay.

"What do you want Jug-eum." I said snarky, leading her out the bar into the beach. I knew she wanted to fight. And so did I, I have to teach this girl a lesson.

"Why are you so glued to Madara" One of her little friends said, honestly I couldn't care less about them. I just want Jug-eum.

"Yeah like why are you always with him, clearly he doesn't want or care about you" The other friend said, bro who are these girls.

"Why are you still working for them" Just hearing their voices makes my blood boil, if they say one more thing I'm going to attack.

"Yeah why are you still working for them, even after that whole disaster in the hotel room, room 302, even after being watched and getting drugged? You yet still work for them?" The shorter one said, walking closer to me. Now she's very close. How the hell does she know about that. When I told Madara about it he didn't seem to know, but yet this girl does?

"How do you know about that?" I asked watching her get closer.

"Well I was the one who did it silly!" She laughed "After Madara fired me, I knew I couldn't have let his business get more attention, so I ruined that room. Putting guns and cameras in there so all the visitors would have a terrible stay" The girl said

"Then you came and ruined it all, you ruined everything, you ripped out the cameras and you even got the company more profit. I hate you.. I hate youu.." She started talking crazy, so she was the one who did that, have she lost her mind??

"I Hinako Tomiyoka will get you killed" She laughed and lunged at me. Attacking me and weak and sloppy attacks, I honestly wanted to laugh. I dodged her hits and punched her in the stomach. Causing her to grunt and almost throw up. She quickly got up and pulled something out her pocket, "A knife?" I said under my breath and she tried stabbing it into my head. I grabbed her wrist stopping her movements. I took the knife and pinned her to the ground. Only to get kicked in the side, and groaned and fell off Hinako.

"Hina get your *ss up!" The girl who kicked me said, then Jug-eum stabbed into my arm with another knife. I groaned in pain. Okay so they're not going to play easy today. I pulled the knife out my arm and threw it to the ocean.

"Knives to a cat fight? Are you too scared to play fair" I said in a teasing tone and started fighting against Jug-eum, she grunted annoyed fighting me back. Sending punches and kicks, I dodged them and did the same attacks. Just like when we were younger. We'd always fight.

I sent a punch to her head and he dodged it sending a punch to my stomach, I groaned and sent a kick to her chin, her mouth started to bleed. Jug-eum punched my eye, causing my vision to blur. I sent a punch to her cheek causing her jaw almost break.

We just kept going, fighting and grunting at equal speed. Then all of a sudden I felt someone pulled me by my hair from behind and someone else grab my wounded arm. I screamed in pain, they have me, I can't pull away. And every time I tried the one holding my arm would squeeze her fingers into my stabbed arm. I screamed in pain, my arm hurts so bad. Jug-eum stood in front of me shocked, clearly she didn't expect the girls to grab me and hold me back.

"Well well well" Jug-eum said and spit out blood, she looks badly beaten, thanks to me.

"Let me go" I struggled against them

"No. It's just like the old days, remember?" Jug-eum laughed but I knew exactly what she is talking about.

"When I held you down as Dede tortured you" She laughed, reminding me of all the trauma Dede put me through, memories of that basement rushed to my head. I didn't want to remember but I kept seeing them, I looked around the beach but every glance I'd take it'd look more and more like the basement. Am I hallucinating? Am I seeing things? Now Jug-eum looks like Dede hovering over me. I wanted to cry, why is everything starting to look like that day.

I don't know what else to do but shout, "LET ME GO, LET ME GO" I shouted, I cried through my shouts, no I don't want to remember, I don't want to relive that day. Everywhere I looked, it looked like the basement. I don't want this, this isn't what I wanted. I cried, "PLEASE STOP" I cried for them to let me go, but nobody said anything, Jug-eum didn't even tease me or anything, she didn't say anything. Everything went quiet. Just like in the basement, when everything goes quiet and my begs weren't heard. I cried and sobbed but nobody said anything, but I knew they were still there because they wouldn't let me go. "PLEASE, LET ME GO, LET ME GO"

Then I snapped.

Everything went black.

All I saw was black.

The next thing I remember doing is attacking the girl holding my stabbed arm, I pulled at her skin, and punched her eyes. Holding her down as I sat on her body.

Everything went dark.

I heard Hinako try to run but I chased her and grabbed her by her hair causing her to fall back. I started chocking her and punching at her face.

I didn't stop.

She begged and begged, just like how I did that day in the basement.

Her screams went through one ear and came out the other. I didn't stop until she shut up. Until her cries stopped and her eyes shut.

The other girl was able to run away and escape. When I looked to Jug-eum, she looked terrified.
"YOU CRAZY BITCH" She shouted and ran away. I looked around and blood stained my hands, my own blood leaked out my body. I couldn't keep one eye open because Jug-eum punched it.

Everything went quiet, all I can hear were the waves and the breeze of the beach. I looked around the floor and see the two bodies lying there helpless. I don't know if they're dead or not. Their blood was everywhere on the beach. I covered their bodies with towels I found and left the beach. There is no way I can go back to the boys after committing such a crime.

I left the beach and headed to the closest, mall.

I went inside the mall bathrooms and washed my body. I treated my wounds and looked in the mirror, just to see I have a black eye. I groaned annoyed. It looks really bad, I washed up and badged my wounds with the aid kit in the bathroom. I sighed and bought a new outfit, throwing away the blood stained bikini I had on.

I left the mall, and went back to the hotel. I can't believe I had just did that. Did I kill them? Are they alive? Why did I snap? Why did I get so triggered, I sighed exhausted. I opened the door to the hotel room and climbed into bed, hiding under the covers and falling asleep.


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