Business 7.

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Y/n's POV

"So your memories are gone" Itachi said, avoiding my gaze and sitting on the chair in the corner. Now what the hell is he talking about?

"What do you mean gone" I don't know how to feel right now, why the hell would Madara get rid of my memories from last night, is there something he doesn't want me to know? Is he hiding something.

"Well" Itachi sighed "Last night, Obito and I had a little struggle with a person, so we had to use a little bit of gas on them-" He stopped midway his sentence.

"You know what, I can't ever hide anything from. you Y/n" He sighed and looked the door.

"Yesterday evening , Madara said he was going to handle business, right?" Itachi asked as if it wasn't a question.


"Okay so, the business he had to take care of was a man, Hidan. Who just happened to betray Madara and be a traitor. We didn't like this so we ambushed him and wanted to take him to this building, the building you are in now" Itachi said. Ambush? Traitor? Now why the hell would a CEO of a hotel have people stabbing him in the back, why would a hotel owner have that? How would want to betray a business that contributes to hotels? Clearly Madara isn't a regular hotel owner.

"But why would a Hotel owner have a traitor, almost like a new enemy? Why would a CEO have enemies?" I asked, Itachi simply stayed quiet. And would why he say 'we' what does he mean by 'we didn't like this' who didn't like it? Is he talking about himself and Madara? Or a whole group of people?

"That's not my place to say" He said

"Okay then continue the story" There is something they are hiding

"We wanted to take him here but we couldn't because Hidan kept fighting and throwing a fit, so we had to take him to the closest building, which ended up being the Mangekyo Inc, when got the Hidan threw more of a fit and started throwing stuff around, causing one of the windows to break. Madara said he heard someone so he left to go handle them, that someone happened to be you. Hidan started yelling from help, and could've brought attention to the Mangekyo inc building" Itachi stated, but this so called Hidan guy wouldn't be fighting so much if it was just a regular grab and go, he probably knew something bad. Something scray.

"So me and Obito had no choice but to use the gas, we didn't want the gas to affect you so Madara said he was going to take you away so we can use the gas but he didn't, so the gas affected you anyway" He sighed finishing his story

"What is this gas you kept talking about" I asked

"Well it knocks a person out and makes them forget their most recent memories" He said, which makes sense on why I can't remember anything up to when yesterday when Madara left.

"Okay and am I allowed to know what happened to this Hidan?" I stared at Itachi, he stayed quiet at first. Choosing what to say.

"We handled him, that's all you need to know" He said blankly

"Okay but if I had a traitor or enemy, I would ask them questions. To get the answer why they stabbed my back, but in this situation it doesn't seem like you guys were just going to question him. By the way you are explaining his situation, it sounds like you were going to do something bad to him and he tried escape that, so what really did you guys do to him?" I scooted closer to the edge of the bed.

Itachi chuckled "You've always been such a smart girl Y/n, but I can't tell you that it's not that easy"

"Also, if you weren't planning on doing something bad to him why would you use the gas? Hm? You said the gas knocks a person out, why would you want to knock him out if you weren't planning on doing bad things" I asked

"Well wouldn't you also want your enemy knocked out, it'll make the process easier" He said

"And exactly what process? Because my process would be just asking them questions, but how will I do that if they no longer have their most recent memories? This doesn't seem like you were just trying to make him confront something" I stared at him, and he sighed. Knowing he made a mistake telling me this stuff.

"Look Y/n, I am not going to tell you what we did to him, it's none of your business. How about you worry about your legs yeah?" He walked out the room but didn't close the door fully behind him.

"It's my feet not legs" I mumbled annoyed under my breath. I looked to the slightly opened door and saw a small glimpse of into the hallway. It's somewhat bright with glass for walls, if I where to get a further look, I can probably see the downstairs, since the walls are clear.

I decided to lay back down and think, maybe those visions I saw were real. Maybe those were lost memories of last night. Maybe I did actually press Madara against the wall, maybe I was actually stepping in glass, and maybe I did jump from the 9th floor to the bottom. I sighed and decided to eat and drink the stuff Itachi gave me. Geez Itachi and everyone else is hiding something I just know it.

I finished everything and soon got sleepy, although it was only 8:37pm, I rested my head and closed my eyes. I laid down and rested.


I opened my eyes and rubbed them since the room is so bright. I started to feel a sharp pain in my feet, "oww what the hell" I sat up and looked, "Oh yeah last night I was walking in glass" I looked around, "wait..Oh yeah?" I repeated my words "Oh yeahh!" I felt joy rush throughout my body "I remeber now, oh yeahh. I jumped downstairs and walked in glass, oh yeahh!!" I sat up excited, I got my memory back I'm so happyy. Hold up. Wait a minute.

"Now that I got my memory back I can lay down and think about everything and put the dots together"

Last night when I was in the hall with Madara he smelt like blood, now why did he smell like blood. Earlier today Itachi told me what happened last night. He said Hidan was throwing a fit. He also said they ambushed him, an ambush means an attack on someone. Which is probably why Madara smelt like blood, but is someone betraying a hotel business really that serious? Till the point where violence comes into the picture? No it's not.

This is far more worse then just a hotel business. Earlier Itachi also said they used the gas on Hidan, the gas that takes away memories and consciousness. They used take to obviously knock Hidan out, but what did they do to him. Where is Hidan now? What would they do to a person they kidnapped and knocked out.

This only makes me reminisce about the times my father would make, me and my brother, ambush his enemies and have us torture them until they die. I really hope this isn't the same situation.

I looked at the time and saw that it's now 1:48am. Did I really take a 5 hour nap? Dang. I looked at the door and saw that it is still slightly open, from when Itachi left the room. The hallway is now darker than earlier but I can still see the glass walls. Hmm.

Earlier Madara said someone was waiting for him at the club. But what club? Time for me to go find out. I need to see Madara anyway to figure lut what they did to Hidan.

I got out of bed and slowed stepped on my two feet, trying to stand straight. But I couldn't I just couldn't, it hurt so bad. I fell to the floor groaning in pain. I could stand in one foot, but the other one hurt so bad. I couldn't walk either. So I started to limp. Making my way to the door, limping out the room using the wall as I walked, pressing my hand against it, so it supported me.


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