Empty 29.

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3rd Person POV

Orochimaru drove all the others back to the hotel, Y/n stayed awake for the whole ride. She couldn't take her mind off of Madara. He's all she's thinking about. She hates it, she really does. She knows if he knew she was thinking about him then he'd be all cocky about it. That's why she is being sour about everything. Every time Deidara or Pein would ask or try to talk to her she'd give them a sour reply. They soon realized she is not in a good mood so they left her alone.

Y/n couldn't stop thinking about when he asked her to go on the date, or even when they were sitting at the beach. Her mind just wonder about why Madara would do that. Then she realized she had agreed to ignore Tarou, she groaned at the thought. 'That's such a rude thing to do, why would I agree to that' She thought to herself, she sighed as she watched the car drive into the hotel parking.

Y/n's POV

"You look beautiful tonight Y/n" He spoke softly and calmly. I groaned shushing away the thoughts and memories from earlier at the beach. When Madara told me I looked beautiful. When he spoke softly and calmly. I felt my cheeks heat up, I sighed annoyed.

I followed, the group into the hotel building and we all walked into the elevator, it took us to our floor. "You also smell really good" he inhaled my scent "So..damn good.." More memories played in my head as I walked down the hall to my hotel room. I sighed rubbing my forehead, why can't he just leave me alone. I opened the room door, just to see the empty cold room, with the moonlight shining in through the balcony door.

"So quiet..." I stared at the night sky through the glass doors of the balcony. I inhaled the clean air, and sat on the empty bed. I'm all alone, it's just me and the cold breeze. I laid down, staring at the ceiling, I am not tired at all. I am completely awake. I should probably wash up, and get undressed.

I went into the bathroom and removed all my makeup and accessories, washed my face and changed my clothes. I went back in bed and rested my head on one of the pillows. Then a strong smell hit my nose. I instantly recognized it, it's Madara's scent. His strong scent, he doesn't smell bad, it's actually kinda refreshing. I can smell him all day honestly.

The warm pillow and his scent, it kinda felt like he was here right now. Hmm, I pulled the pillow closer without a second thought. But instantly stopped when I realized what I was doing. UGHH. Geez what is wrong with me, why can't I stop thinking about him. And why do I want to feel his presence again, why do I want to see him, and hear his voice again, his deep voice, his dark eyes. His- WHAT AM I THINKINGG, oh myyy I need to get a hold of myself. I pushed the pillow away and scooted to the far edge of the bed, away from his spot. I can't keep thinking about him. I just can't.

I turned on my phone hoping it would distract me from thinking about him. I sighed scrolling through my phone, I honestly can't. Let's be honest, he's all I can think about. Why do I want to see him. Geez what's wrong with me. Why do I feel like this, my stomach tickles, my cheeks are heating up. My palms are sweaty, and I feel so sick without him here. Like home sick but with him. Ugh, whatever.

Meanwhile with Madara.
3rd Person POV

The six are fighting until one finally gives up. They've been fighting for so long they forget the whole reason, why the fight even started. Stephanie is kneeling against a chair for support, Minho and Dede are both out of breath, barely able to stand. Itachi has a few wounds on him but nothing too serious. Obito is pretty beat, and Madara looks perfectly fine. Standing there with no critical injuries.

Dede caught his breath and ran in to attack Madara, sending punches and hits to him. Madara fought back in hard attacks, and dodge most of Dede's attempts. Dede is a very strong man with lots of power, but compared to Madara he's not much of a threat. His only advantage is his weapons. Every time Dede got in a fight, he would use his weapons to win. But this is a fist fight, no weapons allowed.

"Are you even trying Itachi" Obito spoke spending tuff punches to Minho.

"Well she's a girl, I don't hurt females" Itachi said watching Stephanie struggle to get up.

"Stop going easy on her, she's not a kid. She's grown she can handle it" Obito said dodging Minho's attacks.

"Doesn't seem like it, she basically is kissing the ground" Itachi chuckled, staring down at Stephanie. She didn't like the teasing, it made her feel weak, and lower than them. It hurt her ego.

"You know what you cocky bastards." Stephanie quickly whipped out her gun, pointing it to Itachi, without a second thought Obito pulled away from Minho and went in front of Itachi.

Dede and Madara are too busy fighting. Somehow some way, Dede got a power up. Found motivation and began to fight back with actual strength. Him and Madara are now at the same level and are fighting at the same speed. Madara began to enjoy this, finding someone worthy to fight against. Madara laughed and giggled, smiling widely and proudly. Clearly enjoying the moment.


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