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Y/n's POV

I finished the rest of my work alone in the office, I heard everyone and their little friend groups clock out at the same time. Ending their shifts, I did some extra work like the work I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow I did some of it today. Wow I'm very productive tonight. I turned in all my work and cleaned off my desk. I stapled all the printed documents from today and placed them in the important folder. I noticed Madara's monitor is still on. Actually Madara hasn't returned back to the office.

He left with the lady and just never returned back. I grabbed all my thing and left the office, as I am walking through the empty hallway. The only sound is a sound of my heels clipping the floor. As I am walking down the stairs my car keys fell through the staircase, I guess they fell off my purse. I walked all the way down the stairs to find them, only to see they landed in the sitting area of the building. But when I went there, I found a women's uniform laid on the ground and heels. And also a sleeping Madara on the floor, his body laid on the ground but his head rested on the couch. He has no shirt on.

I walked over to him closer only to see kiss marks, all over his neck and collarbone. None on his face. Why let a women kiss your body and not your face? Odd.. Then I realized, women clothes and shoes on the floor, half naked man, kiss marks on him. Hmm, it kinda disappointed me. He just wanted to get laid. Maybe he said those sweet things to me so I'd allow him to, ughh whatever. Boys will be boys.

I kneeled down to his level and softly slapped his face, trying to wake him up. "Madara..." I whispered to him. "Wake uppp" I said

He didn't budge, so I hit him harder. "Madaraaa" I raised my voice. If he doesn't wake up I'm just am going to leave him here.

"Hmm" He slowly opened his eyes, he saw me and stared into my eyes. I hadn't realized how close I've gotten. I tried to scoot away but his arm was already behind me, pulling me close.

"L/n?" He chuckled, that's when I realized he's back to his old self again.

"What?" I said, I have to keep my guard up.

"Eughh your breath stinks" He pushed me away causing me to fall to the ground. Geez this guy. He started laughing and sat up.

"Says you" I glared at him

"Says me? Girl Have you brushed your teeth recently" Madara smirk. Ugh he's so annoying. Like he thinks he's soo funny.

"You're the one that smells like rotten alcohol" I dusted myself off grabbing my keys off the ground and walking away. I have had enough of him, he's done too much to me. My heels clipped the floor. I quickly walked away leaving him there alone with his mess.

But once I thought I was far enough I felt a pair of hands grab my waist tightly. I froze slightly, how the hell did he catch up so quickly.

"Awh leaving already?" He whispered into my ear, I quickly shoved him off me. I'm done with all this teasing.

"I've had enough of you tonight" I pointed my finger in his face. "Matter of fact I've had enough of you in general"

"Enough of me?" He raised his brow, smirking.

"Yess, I just want to go home and rest. I need to sort my thoughts out. If you weren't here I wouldn't have so many things to worry about." I stepped away from him. I really do hate this man,  ugh everything he does just pisses me off.

"What are you talking about right now? Do you here yourself?" Madara said making it seem like I'm crazy, f*cking gaslighter.

"You're the reason my feet are injured, your the reason I have so much work to do, your also the reason I didn't have my memory for a minute." I stepped further away

"Okay sure, but was I the one who told you to be noisy and step in glass, was I the one who told you to stay home and miss out on work, the gas would've never affected you if you weren't so damn curious" He stepped closer to me, glaring

"You told me I'm in charge of the building, so I had to go down to see the commotion. You told me not to move until my feet healed, it was your choice to use the gas" I stepped closer to him, staring deep into his eyes, not showing any fear, although I was somewhat scared.

He stared down at me, he could've easily knocked me out right now. "Damn you and your big eyes" He walked away going to the staircase. A weight left my shoulders, if he said anything more I would've been silenced. Big eyes? Is that a compliment.

I left the building and drove back to the hotel. I couldn't help think about his body the whole time. The image of his chest and nice toned abs replayed in my head. Ushh Y/n you are such a perv. I mentally smacked myself. But come on, that body should be like a danger weapon for women, like he has a pretty face and body? Geez plus points to him. Ugh he's so hot.

When I parked car in the Mangekyo Hotel service parking lot, my phone began ringing. Who's calling me at this hour? I looked at the caller ID and it was Jug-eum. My heart fell out my *ss. This name traumatized me, all the flashbacks of my assassin life replayed in my head. The hell does she want from me now? I haven't even done anything, I haven't broke any rules nor did I snitch. Just why, why the hell is she calling me. Why, just why, pleas just leave me alone and let me leave. I can't contact my brother about this since I dropped him. And I can't talk to Itachi about this either. There is no assassin I know that can help me, which means I should just answer the phone.

"Hello?" I said trying to sound as calm as possible when really I was shaking in my boots.

"Y/nnnn" She giggled rolling my name.


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