Odd 19.

18 1 0


Y/n's POV

I am currently sitting in Madara's office working on the objective. Today I have to reply to all the reviews starting from the beginning of the month. I sat there bored. Madara came in late, he was late by like three hours, but if I'm late by a minute than it's a problem. He's currently talking to Obito about some trip or something. They keep glancing up at me whispering about me. I wonder what they're talking about.

"Have you seen the camera footage in the mansion" Obito whispered to Madara, but I heard him loud and clear. He isn't that quiet.

"Exactly why I'm saying to take her, she's simply too noisy" Madara glared at Obito. Are they talking about me?

"Okay but if she's noisy here, what makes you think she won't be as noisy over there" Obito gave him a stare and Madara sighed deeply.

"Fine she won't go" Madara said typing on his computer. Editing something.

"No wait don't delete her ticket" Obito whispered and glanced up at me.

"Tcchh is she going or not" Madara said clearly getting annoyed.

"Fine she will go" Obito rubbed his forehead. Go where? Who's going? What are they talking about?

"I'll tell Itachi to tell the others" Obito said and walked out the office. Leaving me and Madara alone. He first started typing on his keyboard, then he looked up at me. Staring into my soul like always. Every time we're in here alone, I always feel his stare on me. Geez, he's such a creep. I pretended to not notice at first but then I couldn't take it anymore so I looked up from my monitor screen and looked into his cold eyes. Even while I was staring into his eyes, he still didn't look away. He just stared.

He finally cleared his throat and said, "L/n" I sighed and replied with a hum, looking back at my screen. Typing responses back to the reviews.

"Tell me." He started, this caught my attention. Causing me to stop typing.

"Tell me about your past" Madara said, his voice sending shivers to my spine like always. I didn't know how to respond. My past is a secret from the world and internet. What do I say.

"What do you want to know?" I said looking into his eyes, why is he still staring at me.

"Everything, your past job, if you went to college or not. If you have any relatives, any close friends. Everything" He said resting his head on his chin, tilting his head to the side.

"Hmm, well for starters. I did in fact go to college. My last job was okay. I have relatives but we're not as close anymore." I said answering each question thoughtfully and carefully.

"What was your last job" Madara said, narrowing his eyes. Looking deep into my soul. It's almost like he can tell I'm hiding something.

I don't remember what fact information they put on the internet, so I have no idea what to say right now. "Honestly that's none of your business" I said almost with attitude.

"Okay, and you said you aren't close with your family" He finally looked away.

"Yeah, I don't speak to them at all now" I said blankly, which is the truth.

"Huh, that's odd." He said which only confused me more because how is that odd in any type of way. If I don't want to talk to my family that's my own choice.

"How is that odd." I said snarky

"Oh my bad, I didn't mean to say that out loud. It's because this morning I had a meeting with a man, and he was telling me about how his younger sister had left him and ditched him. Leaving with no contact" Madara said, but what did that have to do with me, sure that might be the same coincidence but honestly nothing to do with me. He's so weird.

"And the more and more I look at you, the more and more I see him. You look a lot like him, and you're guy's stories about relatives even match. It's just a odd coincidence" He said shrugging, that just made me go suspicious, I mean seriously what is he talking about right now.

"We look alike? What do you mean" I said

"You guys have the same eyes, same hair color, a few of the same features. You just look a lot like him. You guys even have the same last name. Odd don't you think" Madara said smirking. But I really hope he's not talking about who I think he's talking about.

"Yeah very odd" I said and went back to work, honestly I'm not going to answer anymore of his questions.

"Can I know who this look a like is?" I asked continuing to work.

"Hmm no, tell me more about your past and maybe just maybe I'll tell you" He said still staring at me, I ignored him and continued on with my work. The room went silent, a painful awkward silence. Luckily he broke the silence.

Madara cleared his throat "Anyway, that should bring me to the topic. L/n you're going on a trip" He said stretching in his chair. A trip? Me? But why? So that means Obito and Madara were talking about me that whole time.

"A trip? What type of trip?" I said looking up from my computer.

"Uhm, it's for the hotel. We're going to be staying at different hotels to try them out and steal their ideas." Madara said but why did I feel like he was lying.

"Isn't that like copying?" I said blankly

"No, it's called inspiration" He rolled his eyes crossing his arms, so childish sometimes.

"Why's the trip, when will we be leaving" I asked making eye contact. "In three days, so start packing" He said proudly, why would he be proud about a short notice. Idiot.

"Such short notice, why didn't you tell me before hand" I said looking away from my computer screen.

"Listen L/n are you in or not"

"Yeah I'm in geez"

"Okay start packing tonight, because that's when Sasuke and Kabuto will be leaving" He said two names I did not recognize.

"Sasuke and who?"

"Ugh never mind, just start packing as soon as possible" He said stretching sitting up from his chair, now where is he going. "Where you going" I asked. "To another meeting" He walked out the office leaving me alone again. So he's just going to come late, interview me, then leave? Gosh he's annoying, I actually can't stand him.


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