Disturb 30.

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3rd Person POV

"You know what you cocky bastards." Stephanie quickly whipped out her gun, pointing it to Itachi, without a second thought Obito pulled away from Minho and went in front of Itachi.

Dede and Madara were too busy fighting to even notice that Stephaine pulled put a gun. Minho, Obito, and Itachi are all shocked at her behavior. Why the hell would she pull out a gun and where the hell did she get it. Both Obito and Itachi instantly backed away. Minho went to her side, he didn't know if he should help her or stop her. This is what she did last year, she does this all the time, every time she doesn't get what she wants she gets her gun out. Madara's laughter is heard in the background, Dede is grunting and shouting, Stephanie is laughing, Minho is catching his breath, Itachi and Obito are backing away. Honestly this whole fight turned upside down.

"Madara get out of there!" Obito shouted and Stephanie started shooting up the place, shooting at the glasses at the bar, shooting the pool table, shooting the gambling table. Itachi and Obito ran out the building. Stephanie chased after them, shooting the air messing her every shot.

"COME ON MADARA GET OUT OF THERE" Itcahi shouted and Madara listened, giving Dede one last punch then running out the building, jumping in their car. And driving away, Stephanie tried to shoot at their tires but she messed every time.

Stephanie, Minho, and Dede all watched their car drive away in the distance. Out of breath and somewhat upset, both Stephanie and Minho were thinking about Y/n. Stephanie is bitter about her loss, and Minho is just glad it's over.

"AUGHHH AHHHHH" Stephanie shouted and threw her gun into the road. "I WANT Y/NNNN" She stomped back inside, Dede followed behind her, leaving Minho alone outside. Minho stared into the dark sky, thinking about his younger sister.

"Y/n..." Minho spoke softly under his breath.

"You haven't changed one bit...." He sighed staring down to the concrete floor. The cold breeze pressed against his skin, blowing his hair and the palm trees. "Still as short tempered as ever, and yet still Jug-eum's enemy" He chuckled and turned around and went back inside.


Meanwhile with Madara and the other two, the car ride was just Itachi treating Madara's wounds, they don't want, well Madara doesn't want Y/n to know that he left her to go fight, so Itachi is treating his wounds. Itachi is able to make most of the injuries less noticeable but there is one a big gash on his shoulder. It covers his whole shoulder. It's easy to hide, so they just put bandages on it and hid it under his suit.

"There she won't notice that much" Itachi said patting Madara's arms.

"Why don't you want her to notice anyway?" Obito asked taking the wrong turn on purpose, seems like the car ride is going to be longer.

"What do you mean" Madara asked

"Well why don't you want her to know you got in a fight?" Obito asked again. Madara sat in thought, staring out the window.

"Hmm I don't know, maybe I just don't want her to worry" Madara finally spoke, Itachi and Obito gave each other a look through the mirror.

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