Phone Call 12.

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Y/n's POV

I heard Obito's footsteps get closer and closer, my heart sank to the floor. I didn't know what to do, usually in this situation I'd tried to climb the wall and hide in the roof but my two feet are injured so I can't. I quickly went to the darkest corner in the hall, covered my face with my hair and crouched down on the floor. Begging he won't see me.

The door creaked open and some light shined though the room but not enough to light the hallway.

"There's no one out here" Obito said peeking his head out the door, I can see a few faces behind him. Itachi's face, a man with piercings and orange hair, a very pale man with siren eyes and long black hair.

"Why'd we let Obtio check he's the half blind one" I heard Madara's voice say. The men all laughed, making fun of Obito.

"Yeah that big scar on your right eye" Itachi said causing the men to laugh some more

"You can't see sh*t blind boy" Madara spoke again, causing the men to cackle, and Obito shut the door. I let out a sigh, glad that I hadn't got caught. I waited for silence, the men's chatter quieted down so I took this as my chance to leave. I slowly walked out the dark hallway and into what looks like a living room, the only light is the one from the window. I looked around the room, pictures and portraits of people.

A group photo with Madara in the middle, I almost died laughing seeing that he is a lot short than his friends. I examined each face and the only one I really recognized was Itachi's. Everyone else is a stranger. I looked at the other pictures and there's one of a little boy, holding a large fish, but he held a knife to the fishes head. Something a little boy shouldn't be doing. This child looks exactly like Madara. I held in my laugh not making a sound. Why does he long the same, where is the glow up.

I walked around some more, leaving the living room entering a room in the opposite hallway. The door to this room is left open. I slowly walked in making sure not to move anything and keep everything in it's original place.

The room has computer screens everywhere, and a large Tv screen that covers the whole wall, the Tv screen what is happening in every room. "Cameras" My heart dropped. They're going to see me roaming around the house, oh no.

I went to the already open monitor screen and saw the first tab is the Mangekyo Inc, and it's reviews. The next tab is maps, but a house. Someone's address. Why the hell is someone's house on here? The last tab made my heart drop, the tab said, who is L/n Y/n. And all the fake information my father put into the internet is shown, but a loading page at the bottom of the screen. "What are they downloading...?" I walked away from the desktop and out the room.

I continued walking through the mansion, taking in every detail and every sound. I started hearing banging, but very, very quiet. And mumbling, I followed the noise and it lead to a room, some light shined through the cracks of the room. This is on the opposite side of where Madara and his friends are. The banging got louder, and the mumbling started sounding like screams from a person. A person with a cloth over their mouth.

"The hell?" I walked to the door placing my hand on the doorknob. But then out of nowhere two pairs of hands traveled to my waist. I instantly flinched, I didn't even sense them coming.

"You are simply just too noisy" It was Madara, of course it was Madara. I can never tell when he's around. But before I even do anything, one of his hands went from my waist to my neck. He gently but firmly pressed my pulse causing me to knock out.


My eyes slowly fluttered open and I looked around my surroundings sitting up out of bed. "Oh.." I sighed realizing I am now in the hotel room. Room 302, not even a second after I woke up. I heard the ringing noise and felt watched. I stayed quiet, so I can hear where the noise is coming from. Then I heard it, right behind me. In the wall, but how will I get it out. I punched the wall as hard as I could, hoping to break it open. And I did, I found the ringing item and pulled it out the wall, smashing it up and throwing it off the balcony.

The ringing noise stopped completely. I still felt watched, I turned around and looked directly into the top right corner in the room, the one closest to the balcony. "I see you..." I saw it, the camera. The thing that has been watching me this whole time. I walked to the fridge and pulled a water bottle out and threw it at the tiny camera, lucky me the camera fell to the floor and broke. The water bottle also broke, but I saw something on the lid of the water. Something like an old powder.

"What the hell?" I rubbed the powder between my fingers.

"Drugs??" This powder stuff is a drug. No wonder I saw those movements in the dark corner. I put some of the powder into a bag. I'll examine this later. Just first let me talk to the boss of this building. I grabbed my phone, and dialed his number. Waiting patiently, for once I feel actually comfortable in this room. There's no ringing noise, nobody is watching me, and the bed isn't bumpy.

"Hello?" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine

"Madara I have a complaint about your hotel room" I said laying my head down on the pillow.

"You're finally awake" He said, I can see the smirk on his face by the way he said that.

"Did I kept you waiting" I chuckled

"Hmm maybe" Madara sighed, I couldn't help but feel like I have the upper hand. I snickered.

"You waited for what? Did you miss me?" I chuckled, man I am eating this uppp.

"Yeah I miss bugging my secretary,  there's no one to get me coffee" Madara chuckled, his voice really is mesmerizing.

I scoffed "Yeah yeah whatever" I looked out the window seeing that it's nighttime, geez how long was I knocked out for.

"Why don't you listen L/n" He started

"What do you mean" I asked

"I told you not to leave the room until your feet healed" He said, I can hear typing in the background.

"And I did listen, my feet don't hurt anymore" I said blankly

"Your feet may not hurt but they aren't healed, also your lying" Madara said

"Because with an injury like that, you shouldn't be able to walk for weeks" He said again, this got me to shut up because what am I supposed to say now? Oh! I am a fully trained assassin who can't feel much pain in my body because as a child I always got beat till the point where my skin with bleed durning the healing process! I said to myself in a corny tone and rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I have business to take care of soon" He said

"What business" I asked

"Why are you so noisy" Madara scoffed, this also shut me up.

"Why don't you just go to sleep" He said realizing I went quiet again.

"No I have to keep my guard up." I said making sure to not fall asleep this time, so nobody comes into the hotel.

"Guard up for what?" Madara asked

"Well let's just say I have to protect myself"

"Hmm, you don't need protection" He said blankly, sounding stupid as ever, ush he's so dumb it's annoying.

"And why don't I need protection" I asked laying down on my side

"Because I'm right here, you act like I'll let my secretary die" Which he literally would

"I mean come on, do you even know who I am. I am the Madara Uchiha. Man with many talents, I'm built, smart, funny, mature.  I mean come on now you can lowkey say I'm him" He said sounding so cocky, oh my goodness. Does he ever shut up about himself. He's so obsessed, like I bet he makes put with the mirror. Madara kept talking and talking about himself, he just wouldn't shut up. But his voice is just so soothing, I'm not going to lie it was putting me to sleep. I struggle to keep my eyes open. Then I just gave in and fell asleep.


"Y/n? Y/n??" Madara called for her

"Hm I guess she's asleep" He chuckled and placed his phone down not ending the call.

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