Club 8.

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Y/n's POV

Making my way to the door, limping out the room using the wall as I walked, pressing my hand against it, so it supported me.

I slowly opened the door peeking my head into the hallway. Looking both ways to see if anyone was near. I made my way out the room into the hall, and my heart sank when I saw that the floor is also glass. Only the roof wasn't see through. It felt like I was walking on air. I looked down to the bottom floor and my heart sank even more. There is a long table. With multiple of it placed on it. Different models. They were guns, multiple guns placed on the table.

"Why are there guns just sitting on that table, why aren't they hidden, where the hell am I?" I struggled make my way to the stairs. Why isn't there an elevator. I limped down to the bottom floor, they are only 4 floors. "Thank god" I watched my surroundings as I made it through the bottom floor. Everything is mostly made of glass, everything as in the walls. Some rooms had only glass walls and I can see into them. Some of these rooms looked like science labs.

I walked over to the table of guns, and each and every one of them had the Rinnegan logo. Why the hell am I in a building with Rinnegan guns basically everywhere. Even as I limped through each floor, there were guns. Also why is Itachi and Madara, both in a building with these guns? And why were they trying to bring Hidan here. And most importantly, why am I here.

In the distance, I can hear people laughing and clicking their drinks. Loud music and hard beats. I made my way over there. The badge on my right foot is slowly falling off. My right foot is the one I can't walk on. The foot Kabuto bandaged, my left foot is perfectly fine almost as if I hadn't stepped in glass at all. Clearly two different people bandaged my fee.

I limped all the way there, I am now above the entrance, this hall is way darker and colder than over there. This is the only hall that doesn't have glass for walls. But why more stairs, "Damn this build and it's stairs" I groaned making my way down.

I stood at the door, the other side most definitely has the club, since I can see colorful lights peek through the cracks of the door. The door is made of metal, with a metal handle. I pulled the heavy metal, struggling a bit. But when I got inside, it felt unreal. So many faces. So many people, so many sounds. And beats, loud music, I went to the bar and sat down. I don't drink, so I sat there alone. "Now how the hell am I going to find Madara in a place like this" The music made it hard to think. I looked around and saw some faces.

Very familiar faces, faces back when I used to be an assassin, but what the hell are they doing here. I even saw my brother's old best friend, but what the hell is he doing here, what the hell are they all doing here. I wanted to talk to one of them but I knew I couldn't trust them, I couldn't trust anybody here. I didn't even know anyone here. Then I got a tap on the shoulder. I basically flinched but looked to see Obito, I was happy to see him since I knew I could trust him but he didn't look happy to see me, actually he looked a little angry.

"What the hell are you doing here" He asked and I can barely hear him since the music is so loud.

"I'M looking FOR Madara!!" I shouted hoping he heard me

"THE HELL?? Why are you LOOKING for Madara" He asked glaring at me

"I NEED ANSWERS" I smiled hoping he'd tell me where he is, Obito nodded and walked away. I went to follow him but since I am limping I couldn't catch up, he was walking to damn fast. But the more a followed the more lost I got, I hadn't realized this club is so large, and full. Everyone is moving all at once and the music got louder and louder. Everyone is so close together and packed and I just can't handle it, people kept bumping into me and yelling; My foot started hurting more and more.

I tried to comfort myself "Y/n..Relax, you are used to this, you have trained..." I took deep breaths, but nothing helped. My anxiety kept raising, my heart is racing. I've never felt like this before. My palms got sweaty, my vision got blurry. I felt like my younger self, back when I was in the 3rd grade, my father and brother left me alone in the middle of nowhere, with a carnivore and rapist. I had to fight them off.

My heart raced even more, my stomach flipped, the music got louder, more people bumped into me, more people screamed, this is too much to handle. I didn't know anyone here. I started getting dizzy. But I couldn't sleep, I have to keep my guard up. I then felt a pair of hands grab me, grab my waist pull me aside. This freaked me out because I hadn't sense them approaching me.

"You know...You shouldn't be walking around in your conditions" A deep cold voice whispered into my ear, I mentally rolled my eyes since I recognized it, this voice belongs to Madara.

"Just get me the hell out of here" I growled to him.

He took me to some random back door, leading us out. But for some reason, he helped me. He made me use his body as support. He let me lean against him and barely do any walking. I don't know why but all my anxiety washed away. I know, I don't know him. I know, I know nothing about him. But for some reason right now I fell protected being near him. Maybe because he's the only person I know right now.

We left the club and he let go of me, we are now in an empty hall.

"Follow me" He said walking away, I struggled and started limping towards him. But he just kept walking.

"Can you walk slower" I said somewhat loud so he can hear me

He turned around and looked at me, realizing I can't walk. "Can limp faster?" I glared at him.

"Clearly I can't" I said watching him walk towards me.

"Then I guess I have no choice" Without any other explanation, he threw me over his shoulder. He lifted me so easily. I felt embarrassed.

"Ah! Put me down, you weirdo!" I punched at his back.

"Keep screaming and I'll break your foot" He grabbed my injured foot slightly squeezing.

"AUGHHH" I screamed in pain

"Ughh stop" I groaned, resting my head on him and he stopped, taking me to wherever he is going.


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