Fake Information 9.

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3rd person POV

Madara continued taking Y/n out of the building although she complained. She hated this, her ego is so high till the point where she hates getting put in her place and she especially hates when other people make her seem weak, she hated that.

"Let me go!!" Y/n whined

"No, I've already said no" Madara sighed, boredom taking over him. The past 5 minutes Y/n have been repeating the same thing.

"Ughhh you're so annoying" She said yawning tired, Madara went out the back doors of the building.

"you need to rest anyway so quit complaining, i'm giving you a favor, I expect something in return" Madara took her outside into the parking lot

"mhm..." Y/n is now basically asleep on his back.

"Are you asleep?" Madara asked and silence replied

"Stupid woman, how can you fall asleep on a stranger's shoulder" He said as he opened his car door, he placed her in the backseats. Laying her down.

"Idiot" Madara got into the front seat and drove away. He's taking her to his mansion, not his home. The mansion where all his employees are. The mansion where all his most dangerous guns are located.


When they got there, Madara was greeted by Deidara.

"Boss." Deidara slightly bowed his head

"There's a body in the back, take it to the guest room in my hall" Madara said and walked past him into the mansion.

"You kidnapped ANOTHER body???!!" Deidara said shocked

Madara first went into the kitchen, knowing Konan would be in there, since she always is. The large beautiful kitchen with white marble for countertops. A large fridge with a side full of drinks.

"Konan there's a girl, Deidara is taking upstairs. Change her into comfortable clothes. She won't be leaving for a while." Madara said and left the kitchen to find Sasuke. He walked through the empty gorgeous halls. The sound of his shoes touching the ground echoed through the halls. Madara made his way to a room and walked in without a knock. Sasuke's room. Sasuke turned around from his desk already knowing who it is since everyone else knocks.

Sasuke sighed, "Ughh what do you want" He said blankly

"Your research" Madara said and sat in the chair right next to Sasuke's desk. Out of all the people Madara has ever known or worked with, Sasuke, is best at research. Sasuke is best at getting information on strangers. He knows how to hack security systems and is a hacker in general. He makes fake IDs and fake drivers license.

"Who is it this time" Sasuke said

"L/n Y/n, I need to know what she has done in her past life" Madara said

"Your new secretary?" Sasuke asked typing in her name


"But why" Sasuke looked through the small articles that appeared.

"So look, I'm going through the security images of last night, tell me why I see this girl jump from the 9th floor all the way down to the bottom floor." Madara said holding his hands together.

"A regular girl did that?" Sasuke asked shocked

"Yeah I thought that was freaky you know, then I decide to go through more later footages. And I found a footage of Y/n working in the office then randomly looking directly into the camera, then going back to work." Madara said, Sasuke seemed impressed

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