Restaurant 25.

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Deidara's POV

We all decided on a place to eat, honestly the walk there was so funny. The group kept teasing Madara about Y/n. We're all convinced he secretly likes her. Y/n didn't really like the jokes, she kept barking at us about them. She's kinda a hot head. She's so short tempered. When we got there we all took our seats and looked through our menus. At first it was silent since every was looking at their own thing. But when the waiter came over and got our orders that's when the table became louder again. 

Our laughter filled the restaurant. Every time I took a glimpse at Y/n, it looked like she was in thought. Deep thought, she'd look over at Madara then at Itachi, I wonder what she's thinking about.

We all ate and laughed, Sasori wouldn't shut up so I had to make him shut it. Obito then lectured us about fighting at the table. Geez he's like a mom. So strict and responsible. Then all of a sudden we heard someone enter the restaurant. But from sound of their voice we all knew who it was. Even Y/n looked like she knew who it was. Stephanie, her annoying squeaky voice. She walked in and didn't even look to our table, she was too busy arguing with Minho. We all looked annoyed except Y/n. She looked scared, I wonder why.

"What the hell are the Swords doing here" Obito said

"Hm, I don't know, and I don't want to find out" Madara spoke calmly and continued eating his steak. Itachi cleared his throat and nugged his head to Y/n. Signaling Madara, Y/n doesn't know we're apart of Mafia, so we all kept quiet. But it didn't even look like she was paying attention. She was too busy staring at Minho. Does she like him or something? Why does she look so shocked, so traumatized, or even triggered.

The people sitting with Stephanie are, Minho, Suga, Kyli, Aoi, Kenji and Hinako. Does Y/n know them? Why is she staring so hard.

"Y/n" I said her name trying to grab her attention but instead I grabbed the rest of the table's attention.  She didn't look, she just kept staring.

Then we heard the restaurant door open, his footsteps strong and tuff. The air tightened, I can feel him approaching. He walked past us heading over to Stephanie's table. Dede.

Dede walked past us and when Y/n saw him she instantly stood up. "I'm going to the restroom" She said and walked away, going to the restroom. Itachi didn't hesitate to follow after her. Geez what's the deal. What's going on? Why is short tempered annoyingly strong, Y/n so scared all of a sudden.

I've actually noticed the Itachi and Y/n friendship is far closer than everyone else's in the group. Maybe they have known each other for a long time. Or maybe he likes her, which I doubt.
Some time later Y/n left the restroom acting regular, like nothing had happened. Like didn't she just have a small panic attack. She sat down and laughed with Pein. Bringing joy back into the table. Moments later Itachi also had made it back to the table.

We all laughed and cackled together, the sun started to set and it got darker outside. The waiter came and took all our empty dishes.

Although Y/n was feeling a lot better, I can still see her taking looks at Stephanie's table. I wonder why she reacted that why when Dede walked in.

"Ughh, i'm so full" Pein groaned rubbing his stomach.

"I told you not to eat so much" Obito said wiping his hands with the napkin. "Yeah Yeahh.." Pein said staring to the ceiling, resting his head on the chair. Sitting next to Pein is Obtio and next to Obito is Madara. I can see Madara staring at Y/n. It's shocking because he never treated any women the way he treats Y/n. He didn't even treat Hinako that way.

He's always staring at her, not like a glare no, like a interested stare. Like he's eyes open a little more and he doesn't pay attention to anything else but her. I think that's why everyone teases him about Y/n. I think everyone noticed his staring problem.

"Alright it's dark outside let's head out" Obito said giving everyone in the group instructions, he really does act like a mom. I rolled my eyes and listened. Me and Sasori sat up and stretched, waiting for the rest of the group to do so. I looked over to Y/n and saw her laughing and giggling with Itachi. They're laughing so loudly, wow Itachi really does know how to cheer Y/n. Hmm that's probably why Madara is staring so hard.

"Guys come on. Let's go." Obito said and we all listened, grabbing our things and leaving the restaurant.

I walked in front of everyone else with Pein and Sasori, Obito walked with Itachi, and in the very back is where Y/n is walking. Madara walked close behind her.

3rd Person POV

Y/n walked alone with Madara behind her and Itachi and Obtio in front of her. She couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. It's dark outside and the wind is blowing. She didn't like this feeling, Madara noticed this and stepped to her side, following the sidewalk rule. Blocking her from the road.

"L/n" He spoke softly looking into her eyes

"Uchiha" She said jokingly looking into his eyes, he didn't expect her to say his last name.

"Oh?" Madara said raising a brow

"Wha? Do you not like it when I call you that" Y/n laughed

"It's just unusual" He stepped closer to her "But i'm not complaining" He laughed seeing her rosey face.

"Pfft whatever!" She said crossing her arms

"You know" He started eyeing her outfit, Y/n rolled her eyes. 'Weird Pervert' She thought to herself.

"You outfit today is ugly" He said noticing her glare.

"Excuse me? Oh don't get me started on your outfit!" She laughed pointing him up and down. At first she was offended but now she doesn't really care.

"I'm kidding relax, it's just revealing that's all" Madara said defensive.

"What do you mean" Y/n asked, she thought Madara liked body, seeing skin, revealing bodyparts, she thought that was his type.

"Well I see no reason for you to wear something like that useless your going to the beach" He said blankly.

"Oh? So you don't like it?" She asked giving him a small twirl. He chuckled enjoying the view. He's actually enjoying this conversation.

"No it's cute, just not so appropriate for a eat out" Madara said softly, Y/n just rolled her eyes.


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