Questions 10.

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Y/n's POV

Madara finished bandaging my foot. That whole process he looked good, like real good. His hair was perfectly aligned to where he can see my foot, his button up squeezed his muscles. Some of his shirt was unbuttoned and I can see some of his chest, his collarbone looked so tough. I couldn't help but stare. But I had to refocus, I had to remind myself that he is a cocky bastard, that probably knows he looks good.

"Okay" He said placing my foot done, and standing in front of me. He's the perfect height.

"I'm going to go back to the club" He said staring me down.

"And this time don't go looking for me" Madara chuckled walking towards the door, why exactly was I looking for him. Oh yeah, about Hidan.

"Wait actually, can you stay" I said, he turned around looking me in the eyes, he looked somewhat shocked and amused. Clearly he didn't think I would ask that.

"Okay what do you want" He said leaning on the wall, looking at his watch.

"Well I have question about your business, since the other day you took so long coming back" I started, I can't make it so obvious and instantly talk about Hidan.

"Well, for starters I own two companies. One is more powerful than the other but that's fine. So I really have to pay attention to the more powerful company so I don't look weak and unsuitable for the job, because everyone knows I'm suitable. I mean come on have you seen me. I can fight, I can drink, I am very intelligent. I'm basically the only person who suits the job. And even if they tried....~~~" He went on this whole rant about how he's suited for the job and how he is perfect. Just a bunch of cocky bullsh*t.

I couldn't stand hearing this, he just kept talking and talking and talking, when does it end oh my days.

"Uh yeah sure totally! So what do you like to do during your free time" I asked begging to change the subject.

"Hmm I like to fight, it's one of my specialties, I also like to go to the club, that's fun" He said, his voice always giving me chills.

"What do you do at the club?" I ask, I'm honestly am trying to find a way to bring up Hidan but none of his answers lead to it.

"Drink, gamble, fight, sometimes dance with some women" Madara said looking back at his watch.

"Women?" I asked

"Yeah" He looked up from his watch, a smirk already placed on his face "What are you jealous?" This caught me off guard, why would he ask something like that and why in that tone

"Wh- You- NO" I pulled myself together, but he only laughed at me.

"Wow I didn't know you where able to stutter" He stepped closer to me, looking me in my eyes

"I don't" I said very clear

"Hmm, then I am the only one who can make you stutter" He had his stupid cocky smirk on his face again, he's all up in my space. He towered over me, why do I feel so small. I hate this feeling, I hate feeling weak, I hate it, I hate it, I hate-

"Cat caught your tongue? Madara leaned closer causing me to fall back onto the bed. I didn't know what to say, I'm actually speechless. I hate this feeling.

"Anyway" Madara scoffed, rolling his eyes. He moved away from me, walking back to the door.

"I won't be back until later, don't leave this room until your feet heal" Is all he said then he left. Leaving me alone with my thoughts. I wasn't even able to bring up Hidan. Stupid Y/n, "Stupid stupid stupiddd" I punched the pillow next to me.

I sat up and stared into empty space, I couldn't stop thinking about what Madara said. "I really have to pay attention to the more powerful company" Since when did he own to companies, and what company? His words echoed through my head. I noticed a laptop across the room on the desk.

"Hmm" I want to do some research, I slowly placed both feet to the ground. And it didn't hurt, "Wow.." I'm amazed by Madara's nursing skills. I am able to walk now. Wait that means I can walk around this place. Where even am I? I walked to the door but froze. "Why the hell are you walking around so freely Y/n, keep your guard up" Geez it's like when I'm with Madara all my training goes to waste. Why am so comfortable right now I don't even know where am I.

And what happened to my clothes? The last person I remember being with is Madara, and I woke up with him to. Which would only mean he changed my clothes!? "Disgusting Pervert!" I felt my face heat up. Ughh he so weird.

I slowly walked to the door, not making a sound. I slowed my breathing and listened. I listened...Sound of two pots clanging together, one. Sound of a person talking, two. Sound of a different person talking, three. Sound of someone typing, four. Sound of Itachi's voice, five.

1,2,3,4,5 I put up my fingers to each sound I heard. There are at least 5 different people in this house right now. I slowly walked back to the bed and laid down. I kept my 5 fingers up. I looked at the clock and the time is, 5:57am. Almost sunrise, I decided to wait until the house is completely silent. Earlier Madara said his specialty is fighting. If I had any specialty it'd be my five senses. Hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting. My older brother would always say I have a sixth sense. Since I know when people are approaching, and I always sensed him when he tried to sneak up on me.

I chuckled reminiscing about my childhood. "I kinda miss my brother" I deeply sighed


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