Alone 27.

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Y/n's POV

I did my makeup differently, I made it a tad bit more dramatic. I did some eye makeup and put on a lipstick that matched the dress. I styled my hair putting it in a bun. I put on some jewelry the walked out the bathroom. When I came out Madara looked handsome. Usually he looks hot or like sexy but right now he looks very handsome.

"L/n..." He bowed his head slightly to me. I only saw men do that to their dates in movies. I didn't think it was real. I didn't think actual men do that.

"Uchiha.." I put on my heels and took his arm. He chuckled softly and lead us to the door. Allowing me to walk past before him, didn't know he can be such a gentleman. Well when he chooses to.

"So is this a one on one date, or will there be other people?" I asked. Walking through the hotel hall with him, he lead us to the elevator.

"Uhm, yes there will be other people. But you and me will have to dance. That's all, then the rest of the night you can be on your own" Madara said clicking on the elevator button. It's just the two of us.

"hm, what do you mean dance" I asked looking to him. Wow he actually looks so good.

"There will be a dance floor where all the couples dance with their dates. It's traditional to these type of gatherings." Madara said, traditional? Gathering? Okay so there will be more than just us, and there will also be a dance floor.

"Who will be there, do you know?" I looked to him, and he was already staring at me.

"Well, I will have to introduce you to the crowd, so yes I know most of the people there" He said clearing his throat and watching the elevator doors open.

"Hm, well you are a popular well known man. So I wouldn't be shocked if everyone there knew who you were" He chuckled and walked out the elevator leading me to the front doors of the hotel, where Itachi and everyone else is standing. I just noticed I haven't talked to Pein nor Obito all day.

"Well well well, I knew you'd choose her as your date" Obito said punching Madara by his arm. Why is Madara the only on with a date, where are all of their dates.

"Well where's your date" I said to Itachi, he laughed then shrugged. "Plans got changed last second" Itachi is always a joy to talk to. He really is like an older brother.

"Shall we get going" Deidara said pointing to the door. I nodded and followed close behind Madara. I just noticed only me and Madara are the one dressed in red. The rest are wearing a dark navy blue. Even Konan and Sasuke are here. They're both wearing dark navy blue. Hm, I wonder why.


When we got there Madara grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him. I didn't even realize until Deidara and Obito were laughing about it, teasing Madara again. I rolled my eyes.

Honestly the building doesn't look like what I expected it to look like. It doesn't look like a restaurant more like a club or bar kinda. Something that threw me off is the big bag Pein is holding. I mean I understand bringing your own items but he honestly has no reason to bring that bag. It's huge, and long. It looks about 4'5ft, Sasori is also holding a bag, a smaller one. But it looked more heavy. I wonder what they have in there.

When we walked in the smell of wine and alcohol instantly hit my nose. Eughh, it stinks. I cling onto Madara's arm. I heard him chuckle when I did this. The place is full of people, and everyone is dressed up. All I can hear are people's chatter, soft jazz music played in the background. Once Madara walked in many people started complementing him, and kinda praising him. No wonder he's so cocky.

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