One Step Closer

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Two guys walked down the road on a Thursday in the morning. "You think we're gonna find them?" one said, looking at all the trees around them. The road stretched for miles. The two were beginning to get tired of walking.

"I saw some blood from that one kid on this road. I believe they used a car to drive all the way over here, because the blood trail stopped at one point. Unless they teleported, but I doubt that since he was carried down that path in the first place," The other one said.

"Gosh, you're smart, Kane! We're gonna catch them in no time!"

"Wait, hold on," Kane stopped walking, and so did his friend, "Logan, is that girl our target?"

They noticed a girl with black hair was sitting on the road. Wearing a black shirt and pants. Her shoes were white.

"Yeah, that's Emma, I think," Logan answered.

"Do you know her powers? I hope they told you," Kane asked.

Before Logan could reply, the two heard rustling in the bushes beside them. Something was coming. A projectile, faster than a bullet. Kane ducked, but Logan wasn't quick. The attack collided with his face.

Kane looked at Logan's face after his body plummeted, seeing blood pour out of a large hole where his face is supposed to be. Kane began running away, keeping a fair distance from Emma, who hadn't moved a bit. He looked around himself in all directions, and made sure he couldn't be ambushed. His paranoia spiked, making him be as alert as possible, darting his head at any direction he believed to be dangerous.

Another attack was coming his way, and Kane saw it. It looked like a bubble, shaped like a sphere and completely transparent like a bubble. It was very fast, but Kane was able to dodge it. Looking at where the attack came from, Kane blurted, "Shooting from the same direction isn't going to help you!"

Suddenly, a bullet was shot at his head. Kane plummeted. Emma put the gun in her pocket. "That would've been a lot easier if SOMEONE helped out," Emma said, "But no, you'd rather watch us do all the hard work, huh?"

The voice came from the woods instead of the Emma on the road, who was wielding the gun.

"There wasn't even any issue here, they died quickly," Marcus said, coming out of his hiding spot. The hiding spot was a wide tree where he could crouch behind, and peek his head out. Emma was also behind another tree. "Yep, but I don't think you would be saying the same if they were actually threatening," she walked out of the forest after giving Marcus a disapproving look.

Richard walked to the dead bodies. He hovered his hands over them, and a maroon oval-shaped bubble formed to encase the bodies. Marcus glanced at Richard.

Emma took the gun out of the other Emma's hand. The other Emma began to disappear, tiny parts of her detached from her, and faded into nothing until there was no more and so did the gun. "If only I could keep the duplicated weapons," Emma frowned.

Ivy jogged over to Marcus, "Sorry that you had to see that. It's our only option in this situation."

Marcus was confused, "You just said that like 5 minutes ago."

"I know, but you're a kid, and all! This stuff is gorey," Ivy said. "I don't care at all," Marcus said, "I'm not even a kid, I'm a teen."

"You sure, you look like a cute little kid," Emma snickered.

Marcus grumbled, walking to the home.

"Take it easy on him, he almost died, Emma," Ivy said.

"You almost slapped him when he said he wouldn't help, don't act like I didn't see that. I understand, though. He's weird," Emma shrugged.

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