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That day, that morning, where Darius met Oscar. He forgot to mention one thing.

As Oscar left, Darius could feel the emptiness inside him introduce itself. Darius dropped to his knees, screaming and crying. As the overwhelming weight of his own thoughts overpowered him.

"What am I doing? What am I living for? I did what I wanted, this is the path that I wanted to take!"

Darius rolled around in the dirt like a pathetic pig, he stabbed himself with a knife from his hand. Stab, stab, stab, Darius screeched. In his mind, 'Kill yourself' was repeating as if someone was talking to him.

The blood covered his white shirt, making it an ugly red color. His tears didn't stop and he never stopped stabbing. When he died and regenerated, he shot himself in the head. When he regenerated again, he lobbed a grenade in his mouth and detonated it. When he regenerated again, he stepped on a landmine. After he was revived again, his mouth morphed into the neck of a tank, the same green tube that Roger saw. A shell shot out from it, falling in the space between his eyes, and killing him.

The bullet interfered with his revival, so a new copy of him was created. Darius stared at his disgusting corpse on the ground. Nothing but a vile gorey mess plastered beside Mother Nature's water.

"You're right," Darius mumbled.

One day before Darius could use his weapons again, he was sitting on a cliff with his legs hanging off of it. Darius watched the waters collide with the giant rocks below him. He didn't say it was beautiful, he didn't admire the scenery. He stared at it like there was no color or sound to accompany what he was witnessing.

"Yo, Darius!" James shouted.

Darius turned around to see James and Kevin, approaching him.

"Why you still fighting?" Kevin asked.

Darius walked to them with a straight face, "Why not?"

Kevin shook his head in disappointment as James spoke up, "I get that you like to kill for fun and all, but—"

"I just do it. I don't get happy, I don't feel sad or angry or any sort of emotion. All I am is a killing machine. I'm as hollow as can be. I'm dying soon and no one will care for me. That's good, I'm with them. I know I'm horrible, I kill without a purpose. Well, there was a purpose, but that's gone now. I'm a tsunami that will keep coming until I can't. I'm shitty, I'm ugly, unloveable, lonely, stupid, immature, pathetic and anything else you can think of to insult me. It's all true."

James laughed, "Loser!"

Kevin frowned, "Knock it off, man. We forgive you, stop being such a suicidal ticking bomb."

Darius didn't make eye contact with them, he was avoiding their eyes as much as possible.

"Cool. I don't care. You think tsunamis have brains? Are you going to stand up to a meteor and tell it to stop?" Darius rhetorically asked.

"Where did all the color go? I swear your eyes have gotten paler," Kevin squinted.

Darius made eye contact with him with his dull poker face, and continued to look at the ground below him after that.

"Hey! Hey, Darius, Evelyn is still alive," James said.

"That's crazy, bro!" Darius spontaneously started laughing, throwing his arm over James' shoulder, "Maybe I should go fuck her in her sweet wet pussy, haha! Just like back then!"

"You... YOU FUCKED HER?!" James blurted.

Darius didn't reply, he just kept laughing, he let go of James falling to the ground, laughing still. He didn't stop laughing, tears leaked out from his eyes.

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