Good for you

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Cindy and James were chatting.

"You think I can accomplish great things?" James asked with his sharp teeth.

"Maybe," Cindy said, "Yoi just gotta put your mind to it."

"Right, right," James nodded, "I'm not good at putting my mind to it, though."

"Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that and you won't accomplish anything," Cindy mumbled.

Cindy looked dazzling. She has long golden hair and crystals hanging at the end of it. She always wears red lipstick and eyeliner. She loves jeans, too. She always has a 'I don't give a fuck' impression, but she's a lot sweeter than that.

"Chill, chill. Maybe I'll tell Dad that I'll ride a shark into a volcano before I'm 50," James tapped his chin, pondering.

James was wearing a blue shark shirt. He had nice blue shorts with fish on it. He was wearing sandals with his white bucket hat.

Cindy sighed, "What's with you and extreme tricks? You aren't invincible, you're gonna die. Why are you trying to kill your favorite animal in the first place?"

Cindy eyeballed his blue shirt with a shark. The word 'JAWSOME' was above it in a red font.

"Uh, it won't die," James said.

"You sure about that?"


James and Cindy giggled. They were standing on a nice white porch. From the door beside them, a man came rushing out like he was in a hurry.

"Oh, it's this guy," Cindy crossed her arms.

He was holding Marianne in his hands. He had a wide smile on his face.

"He's dead! I know it, Ross is dead! Yes! Revenge is sweet! Revenge is yummy! Revenga! Revenga! Revenga!" he twirled and danced around, lifting Marianne in the air.

"The hell is he talking about this time? I've never seen him this happy," James asked.

"Did he just say that Ross died? How does he know that? Why is he saying revenge? Too many questions, he's just insane. It isn't even nighttime yet, there's no way Ross can kill Darius that quickly," Cindy rambled.

"He's so annoying," James grinned, "Check this out."

James walked closer to the twirling man, he snatched Marianne and threw her rocky body away. It wasn't a normal throw. He threw the rock like he was artillery tossing ammunition, the rock flew in the sky for 5 seconds before landing in a distant forest.

The man gasped until he couldn't. He dropped to his knees, feeling a waterfall of tears come down from his eyes.

"Hey," James uttered.

The man flinched, crawling backwards.

"Go fetch. Go on."

James laughed as the man sprinted into the forest, whimpering.

"Haha, that was cold. Also, I think you're good at throwing things. You threw that super far. That forest is like 60 meters away," Cindy said, "You can accomplish great things by throwing."

James smiled, "You think so?"

"Yeah," Cindy replied.

James beamed, "Aha, that's my awesome little sister, always so observant. Your greatest accomplishment might be becoming the human magnifying glass."

James and Cindy giggled.

"Alright, let's go eat something, I'm hungry," James said.

"Tuna or Salmon? Or better get, caviar?"

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