Hello, Marcus!

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Marcus paced around his room in circles, breathing heavily. He set his phone on his desk as he muttered 'no' countless of times.

"Richard... no!" Marcus wailed, "This can't be, not you, why? Why does this happen to good people? No, NO!"

"Honey, are you okay?" his mom asked downstairs.

Marcus sat on his bed. He was about to reach for his phone, but he froze at the sight of someone at his window. It was Logan, grinning like a devil. Logan leaped in front of him before he could react, doing a karate chop at a specific point in his neck. Marcus went unconscious as Logan carried him out the window.

"Marcus? Why aren't you answering me?" his mom asked again, opening his door. She gasped, seeing the open window and the sounds of wind coming in.

"Ziel," Marcus uttered with his wide eyes, "What the fuck?"

Ziel stared at him. Logan walked downstairs with light green eyes with small back irises. The staircase was brown with no railing. Ziel glanced at him as Logan smiled, seeing Marcus chained up against a wall, sitting.

"Hello, Marcus!" Logan beamed, "How's it going?"

"Who the fuck is he? Why am I here? Did you kill Richard? Answer me!" Marcus tried to break free of the chains, but there was no use.

"Wow, you look like a wild animal, showing its fangs for all to see," Logan chuckled, "Ziel, isn't he cute?"

"Yes, he is," Ziel said with a straight face.

"Now, Marcus, I'm sorry that Richard is gone—"

"No!" Marcus interrupted, "You're keeping him in here with me, aren't you? In another room or something. He can't be dead. He can't be!"

Logan grinned, "In denial? Oh, you're too silly."

"Let me be free, let me go! Please!" Marcus pleaded.

"But, Marcus, we need you!" Logan smiled.

"Oh, I get it. You're putting me in here just so I don't try to attack you. You need me for who knows what, and you need Richard to heal you. It makes sense!" Marcus chuckled.

Logan's smile grew wider, "We want to take down that dumb cult you hate. You and us! It's going to exhilerating!"

"And Richard! And... Richard," Marcus uttered, slowly turning his eyes to the yellow floor between his thighs.

"Richard is dead," Ziel said.

"No!" Marcus barked, swiftly lifting his head up.

Logan put his hand on Ziel's shoulder, "Don't mess with him, he's only a kid."

"I'm sorry," Ziel murmured.

"Let me continue," Logan said, "I was a member of that cult. Until now. We are going to kill Damien and Helzin, the leaders of the cult as a team! Isn't that exciting? Man, thank Darius for dealing with Ross. That's one less thing to worry about. Ziel killed almost all the cult members who could heal, or be of great support to the cult with their ability. That'll make things a lot easier."

"Oh," Marcus chuckled, "You should've just told me! I always wondered what their goal was, why they go out of their way to attack us and why they all have powers in the first place. Let's get Richard here so we can discuss that and all. Then, release me! We'll go on our journey to take them down, that's for sure."

"Yeah, I'd love to tell you, but not now. Be patient, the best things always come when you're waiting," Logan smiled, walking upstairs.

Ziel and Marcus stared at each other in silence. Marcus looked away, choosing to look at the red stains around him. He also noticed a small metallic pole, sitting in the far right corner. It was bloody, but the blood was dried as if it had been there for a long, long time.

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