My world was terrible until I met you

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Richard teleported back inside the kitchen. He rushed outside. Upon seeing Marcus and the old lady, he walked to them. They were eating popcorn together, watching Emma on a floating screen.

Marcus noticed Richard, "I feel bad for him."

"For who?" Richard asked.

"The guy you fought with," Marcus answered.

"You were watching?" Richard saw the front of the floating screen. He saw Emma and a boy in a field of dandelions.

"We were spectating Emma and you at the same time, but she won't let me see what Ivy is doing," Marcus explained, reaching for another popcorn from the granny's bowl, "Don't kill her, they won't come back. We just have to hope they win."

Richard sighed, sitting beside Marcus, "I didn't plan to. I don't know why I didn't just kill that dude sooner. I feel like an idiot. I thought things would be different, but I guess we'll just kill people till we can't no more."

Marcus thought about it for a moment, "Don't worry about it. It was either you or him."

"No, you don't understand. I wanted it to be different. These people are mindlessly coming after us. Did you see that dude I fought? Talking about praise like this was some sort of thing they're getting rewarded for. What are they telling these people? Ain't that a child fighting Emma, too? How the hell is he younger than you?"

"I tried to ask Ivy about it, but she never seemed comfortable enough to answer," Marcus shrugged, "I hope she's doing alright."

Richard looked at the screen with the enthusiasm of a nihilistic person. He knew something was wrong, you could call it a sixth sense. He had goosebumps by even entertaining the thought.

The sun was awfully nice, warming everyone no matter where they were. A calm breeze hugged Richard.

Emma smiled from ear to ear with her eyes closed. She was laying on dandelions that spread through the entire landscape. No trees in sight. The sun was peeking out of the horizon. The sky looked as if it was painted with the color orange. Emma was relaxed.

Near her, her clones were surrounding the boy with an eyepatch. He tried to manipulate the flowers that the clones were stepping on. Two clones were caught by the flowers. The flowers tightly wrapped around their legs. The fast clone had no trouble dodging the attack. The clone punched the boy in the stomach. "Ouch!" the kid shouted, holding his stomach in pain. The flowers let go of the clones.

"You don't have it in you, kid," Emma laughed.

"Will you shut up? Once I'm done with these dumb clones, you're next!" the boy shouted.

His name was Dylan. He has the power to manipulate nature. His body can also become a flower or plant if he wanted it to.

The speed clone grabbed his arm, and swung Dylan around her. Dylan was getting dizzy from all the spinning, they were going so fast, they looked like a tornado. "I feel like I'm going to vomit!" Dylan shouted, "Stop it, please!"

"If you say so," Emma replied. The speed clone let go of Dylan, and he flew away. He fell on the dandelions, crushing them. Dylan grunted, he looked at the destroyed flowers. Using his powers, he made them stand up again.

"I'm tired of you!" Dylan shouted. The speed clone ran towards him. It tried to touch Dylan by reaching out its hand, but sharp thorns sprouted out of Dylan's arms. They were long, and green. Just like a rose's spikes. The speed clone grabbed his arm without noticing, and was stabbed by the spikes. The flowers below wrapped around her. The other clones were far from the two, so Dylan had time to do whatever he wanted.

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