I said I was sorry

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Being the second eldest son has its perks. I get to help my siblings and teach them things. I can play with them and they'll look up to me. Most importantly, I was mature and they weren't. I loved them all so much until my eyes were witnessing someone more deserving of my heart. I was 18 when I met this cute girl. I swear, I could feel her voice hug my soul. Her smile was one of a kind, never failing to brighten up the world itself. The way she spoke was like the voice of a mother after giving birth to their first wonderful child. I could never do that game where one person has an apple on their head and the other has a bow. I would shoot right at her as her looks would absorb my attention like a hypnotic trance. She wasn't just a beautiful woman, she was perfect. When I look up at the constellations in the sky, I can see her gorgeous face shining with a bright smile. Never in a million years could humanity replicate such a perfect person. Each selfie she took deserved to be put in a museum beside the most famous works like the Mona Lisa.

She was dating my older brother, Ben.

Bullshit! Are you kidding me? I met a girl, one that I was willing to suffer 1000 nights in the hopes that she would love me the way I do. Butttt she's taken. It wasn't fair.

2 years before the comet.

It was a pretty humid spring. I was outside, playing golf with Ben along with James and Kevin, our younger brothers on the green cut grass.

To describe Ben, he was a perfectionist. He was obsessed with keeping things perfect. The crystals in his hair were uneven, so he cut them off and kept them in his room. That dude has a 100 in every subject he has ever enrolled in. If he messed up a bit, he would beg for a redo or something extra to boost his grade. Ben's definition of fun was different from everyone's. He wanted to live the perfect life that he planned when he was 10 on October 10th at 10:10 am. He wants his life to follow that plan until he dies at 100, his favorite number. What I love... wait, sorry, sorry, what I loved about him (I don't love him anymore... actually, scratch that, I do love him) was that sometimes he let loose. It's impossible for everything to be perfect, you can't make a perfect life in an imperfect world, so, sometimes he will let things be imperfect for his mind to be at ease. He would usually rage and shout at us if we messed up, but today was not that day. I love him, I looked up to him. Every one of us did.

There's no wonder how he secured the finest woman on the planet, Evelyn. His seductive ways were top-notch. James, Kevin and I jokingly call her Eve since he gets so mad about it. Nicknames are imperfect to my brother Benny. Today, he was calling her Eve too.

Ben swung his golf club, hitting the ball perfectly into the hole. Evelyn clapped for him.

I said, "Man, are you gonna hole-in-one all the time?"

"Dude, Benjamin is too good at this," James complained, he was... weird. He has pointy sharp teeth like a shark's and blue hair. He dyed it blue because he loves sharks so much. He was wearing his 5th favorite shark t-shirt (he would cry if I didn't watch his presentation on his favorite shark stuff when he was younger, I know a lot about his shark items). His crystals are still on his hair, they really blend well with the deep blue. 

"Yeah, bro, Bennett is like a God," Kevin said. He wears glasses, the same ones that Ben had because Ben bought them for him. He cut off his crystals and wears them on his necklace. What a nerd.

Kevin swung his golf club, hitting the golf ball into the hole, "Nice, birdie!"

"Yeah, Benny, you should try out the lottery, you'll win it ten out of ten times," I said.

Evelyn giggled at my perfect joke.

"Alright, alright, leave my name alone. It's annoying me a little, you're lucky I don't feel like punting you all like your heads are footballs," Ben said, tapping his feet at a consistent rhythm, "And did you just say the lottery? I don't interact with things that involve luck. Luck is a concept that I fear."

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