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As part of the alliance, hundreds of people in different provinces and states have decided to stay close to protect themselves from the relentless attacks that terrorized the streets three weeks ago. People were dying, being captured. The police couldn't do anything against people with powers. So the alliance was created for those with powers. In large numbers, they easily handled the criminals, arresting or killing them in self defense. The alliance has theorized that this is the work of a hidden cult in North America. The criminals keep quiet as to what their motive is, but the consensus is that they aim to eliminate people who aren't part of their cult. Starting with the people who van actually defend themselves.

Carl, Mason, Alain, Berry, Molly and Miguel have volunteered to eliminate Darius.

Carl has the ability to use telekenisis. 

Mason has the ability to fly.

Alain has the ability to increase or decrease the temperature of whoever he touches. He blames his ability for his libido.

Berry has the ability to manipulate the speed of which someone is descending or ascending.

Molly has the ability to turn herself into a rock human, and she is able to be mobile even with heavy rocks covering her.

Miguel has the ability to dive like a peregrine falcon.

With great spirits and morale, they searched for Darius. Unfortunately for them, he wasn't hiding.

Darius was on the sidewalk of a busy street. The sky was dark blue, covered with clouds. Darius was staring at a man in front of him. He was taller than him, and a pistol was pointed at his forehead. The pistol was where his index finger was supposed to be on Darius' hand. 

"Do you have powers? If not, do you know anyone who does?" Darius asked. The man was trembling, "N-no! Not at all!'

"If you're looking for someone with powers, I'm right here," Molly said. She was standing alone in front of him.

Darius turned around with the faint smile he always wore. The man he was interrogating ran in the opposite direction. Darius' arm turned into an assault rifle, he pointed it at Molly, "Finally, I thought I'd be waiting forever for you guys to come."

Molly's body was covered in smooth rock. She turned into a giant humanoid made of rocks. Darius fired at her, but the bullets couldn't penetrate the rock body. Darius frowned. He jumped backwards. From above, Berry came crashing to the ground. He used his ability to accelerate his fall to hit Darius harder. He stomps the ground, creating cracks in the sidewalk. "Damn. Thought it would be easy," Berry sighed, glaring at Darius' crystal eyes. Darius was about to shoot him, but something picked him up, and threw him away. Darius fell on the sidewalk. He saw Mason flying above him. 

"That's all you got?" Darius asked, "I thought there would be more people." 

Darius' arm gun morphed into a machete. "You think this will be easy? Who do you think you are? It's three against one," Molly said, lying for the element of surprise. 

"I was expecting a war. Dozens of people trying to stop me. I killed someone important, didn't I?"

"Ew, he sounds as creepy as he looks," Miguel said, floating above Darius.

"Fourth?" Darius tried to swing at him, but he only ascended higher. In his peripheral vision, he saw Molly coming at him, he brought up his other arm and created a large shield with it. Molly punched the shield, launching Darius away.

People began to evacuate the area.

Alain reached for Darius, slapping the back of his neck as he flew in the air. 

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