Love is in the air

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Prince was outside with his team where the sky was gray. He wore a fancy golden suit. He had a black bow tie. With his eyelids shut he said, "Let's go!"

Anu rolled his eyes, "Don't order me around, we know."

"He's just a kid, Anu," Scarlet said. They stopped walking to chat.

"Yeah, yeah, but he's so weird," Anu shrugged.

Scarlet giggled, "And you aren't? You keep arguing with him. I can't tell if you two are enemies or brothers."

"Me and him? Brothers? You're insane, he has crystals in his hair! Like some sort of rock human!"

Scarlet giggled even louder, "True." "C'mon!" Prince shouted, "My dad might get angry if we take too long!"

Scarlet and Anu continued walking. "He could be like our child. I see the vision a little," Anu looked at Scarlet.

"We would never make that, what a weird thing to say," Scarlet replied.

"Yeah," Anu said, regretting saying what he said.

"Dammit! You blew it!" he  frustratingly mumbled a little too loud after Scarlet got inside the limousine.

"Is something wrong, Anu?" Scarlet tilted her head.

"No, I just thought I forgot something," Anu awkwardly giggled.

The four of them got into the limousine with the butler driving. Prince looked out of the window, looking at the lush green grass and the trees beside the giant white and gold mansion they just left. He saw a coyote and chuckled, "Logan would've liked to see that coyote. I wish he was with us."

Anu glanced at him, "We can't have him, kid. We talked about this."

"I know. It's as frustrating as you switching things up."

"Are you going to complain again?"

"I can't believe my butler doesn't agree with me either."

"I know you want to be like your dad, Prince, but you need to understand that this isn't just a roleplay. This is a serious matter where people die. You're going to have to do things you don't want to do for the greater good. It's time to man up, and put your feelings aside," the butler spoke.

"I'm not scared to kill my sister. I love her, but I know she's an enemy. I'll just let you do all the work so you can show me uhhh how ruthless I need to be," Prince rebutted.

"I believe in you, Prince," Scarlet grinned, "I know it's going to be hard."

Prince yawned, rolling his eyes and checking his phone, "It surprises me how weak everyone else was. They're just 4 people in the woods. How the hell have they not been defeated? I bet my sister did all the work."

Anu was angry, but Scarlet held his hand, glancing at him. Anu's eyes widened a bit, but she turned to look at Prince and his shut eyes.

"They're lucky they have Richard. I think they would have died already if they didn't," she said.

"They probably have lots of hope. I think it's time we struck fear into their hearts."

"Yeah," Anu said.

"Anu, you look so worried," Scarlet looked at his face.

"I'm worried about you getting hurt," Anu gazed upon Scarlet's brown eyes.

Prince looked at them, "Ew," he said.

Anu and Scarlet annoyingly glanced at him for a moment then made eye contact again.

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