Red Mask

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In a different world, where there was just darkness in all directions. Just dark reaching everywhere. A faceless clay human stood in front of an incredibly long table that seemed to have no end. The table had different colored masks with different features for each. It was cold. Colder than the Arctic. The clay human's body had no warmth. It was completely cold. To move its body was a great struggle. The person picked up a white mask with his hands violently twitching to cover his face. It had holes for the eyes only. It put it on. It stayed still for ten hours. The mask shattered, falling below him. The person looked at another mask. It was red. It put it on and its arms violently shook. It had holes for its eyes and mouth. When it put the mask on, tiny embers drifted and floated in the cold void. Those embers grew in size, evolving into flames. The void was warming up and so was the human.

Sitting in a nice, expensive restaurant, Jane was mesmerized by his black hair. His white, smooth skin complemented his beautiful smile. Most importantly, his dark eyes were a treat.

She giggled, "You're too funny!"

"Thank you," he said, locking his eyes with hers. He learned how to keep eye contact. It was a lot easier with someone like her. Someone who he didn't bother fantasizing about, or bother getting aroused for. 

Later, they were inside a hotel.

He held her hand, tossing her into the bed.

"I like it rough," she giggled.

"Well, shall we get to it?" he asked.

"Already? We haven't watched the show I wanted to show you yet."

"We'll do that after. Don't you want to have fun?"

She smiled, taking her dress and bra off, "Don't disappoint me."

Her moans were loud, he did a good job of pleasuring her. Their bodies were connected in the most intimate way possible. The sweat, the pleasure, the sounds and the bed creaking all contributed to the moment.

He released his sperm inside the condom he was wearing. Pulling it out, they looked at each other with a smile. To her, the moment was warm, amazing and unforgettable.

"Hold on, let me go to the bathroom," he said.

After cleaning up, he went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His hands were planted on the sink. He didn't look happy. His face morphed, and his skin turned darker. His hair was now golden, replacing the black. He took the contact lenses off his eyes to reveal his crystal eyes.

Despite having sex just now, Ross was on his mind. There was no intimacy for him. There was almost no pleasure. Just a wavering feeling of accomplishment. But that was just as faint as his smile. Darius wished that his first was with Evelyn. No other woman could ever provide the warmth that she provided him with. Darius was angry, he couldn't crack his signature weak grin. Mission accomplished! He should be smiling.

He morphed back to the handsome adult with a thick beard and mustache, putting his contact lenses on and heading out of the bathroom.

"What were you doing in there? You didn't even use the toilet," his date said.

"It should not bother you, I was just feeling off," Darius said.

"Am I allowed to ask why?"

Darius vomited out this sentence with all the discomfort it brought, but he needed the answer, "Do I look mature to you?"

"Y-yes, yeah! Yeah," she said, staring at his facial hair.

Darius' smile slowly lifted itself, "I love you."

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