Man on the Moon

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Marcus stared up at a woman who was a head taller than him, "Hi," Marcus waved.

"Hello, Marcus," she said, "I've heard lots about you, my name is Jennifer."

Emma smiled, standing beside her.

"I'm jealous, how did you get a girlfriend before me?" Marcus asked, "You just keep winning."

"I don't know, maybe I'm just awesome. Ever thought of that?" Emma beamed.

"Yeah, you are awesome. I do hope that you guys have a great time together. I guess that means you won't help me with finding the crazy cult now that you're going to be busy with her."

"Nah, I will. I'll just be sometimes busy with Jenny."

"Are you not afraid of that cult? Didn't one of their members kill hundreds of people?" Jennifer asked.

"Hah, Jennifer, Jennifer, I don't know much about you, but it seems to me that you're missing some enthusiasm. I ain't afraid... kinda. But, I do have hope that I can take them down. Do you have powers? Do you wanna help?"

"Enthusiasm? I'm sorry, Marcus! Looks like I left all of that at home. You should just hide from the cult if they try to kill you two again. Don't go out there into danger, you don't know what you're up against. I don't have powers, but if I did, I would be hiding, not trying to find them."

"And just let them do whatever the hell they're doing? My friends have died because of them. I'm not gonna just hide like a bitch."

Emma giggled, "I'll be there to make sure you don't die."

Jennifer sighed, "Well, I'm the minority here. Don't think my words will change your minds."

"We have a friend who can heal our injuries. We are super strong. Do not underestimate us, I'm sure Emma has told you about how powerful we were in the forest."

"Oh, for sure, I even saw you on the news once. You looked like a pool of ketchup on the sidewalk. That must've been painful, you poor child."

"You talk as if I'm 6 years old, but yeah, it hurt like hell. When this cult is destroyed, I won't have to feel pain anymore. I guess your perspective is different from mine, that's why you can't understand."

"True that," Jennifer agreed, "I could never be as confident as you are."

"Emma, have you seen Richard?" Marcus asked.

"No, he said he'll be hanging out with Ziel and Jane, helping them out with stuff."

"What? He didn't tell me!" Marcus exclaimed.

"He told us in the groupchat."

"Wait, he did?" Marcus whipped out his phone, "I think I forgot to enable my notifications," he facepalmed.

"Dumbass," Emma laughed. Marcus started to laugh, too. 

As the sun was going down, Ziel and Richard were heading to their car after going to a party.

Ziel wore a black suit to match his black pants. 

Richard had his arm over Ziel's shoulders as they walked to his car at 3 am in the dark. The car was only a few minutes away from the house where the party occurred.

"Did you see that dude who tried to use a pick up line on a girl, but stuttered mid sentence?" Richard giggled.

"Shit dude, I was trying to hold in my laugh, but when he kept stuttering more and more I couldn't help but laugh at him," Ziel laughed.

"I kinda feel bad, I don't think he's ever gonna live that down."

"No, don't feel bad, I bet he hits on every girl he sees with a success rate of 0."

"I'm surprised you didn't try to talk to any girls, you're pretty handsome, after all."

"And risk stuttering? Hell no! Who do you think I am?"

"Aye, I wouldn't mind seeing that. Honestly, I wish it was you who was stuttering, I would never let you forget."

"You little demon! I would just move to America at that point."

Richard took his arm off of Ziel, went to his car and unlocked the car door with his car keys. the jingling of the keys was calming, now that the moon was high in the sky. It was completely dark, they both blended well in it. Especially Ziel and his black attire.

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