There She Goes

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"Help Marcus first," Ivy said, coughing blood. She lost most of her arms and was bleeding in the chest. Prince's attack was quick and effective. She was in the hands of the speed clone, feeling immense pain. She didn't care, though. Her skin was pale as soap.

"But, you're going to die," Richard replied, breathing heavily with panic.

"So is he," Emma said, crouching beside Marcus' body, "I think you should listen to her. It's what she wants."

Richard stared at Marcus bleeding in the rain. A pool of his blood surrounded him.

"Do it, Richard, I'll never forgive you if you let him die," Ivy added.

Richard looked at them. He ran to Marcus, putting a green bubble over him as fast as possible. "The bullets," Emma mentioned, "what about the bullets?"

The rain stopped.

Richard looked at her with worried eyes, "They're small enough. They'll be pulled out of his body, but that will make the process of healing longer. I'm sorry, Ivy. It's going to be painful, just wait."

"Is there anything I can do to help her?" Emma asked.

Richard was feeling pressure weighing down on him, "I really don't know."

Richard was hoping that Marcus could heal faster, he couldn't understand why this was happening. He remembered when he first met Ivy. Her rude attitude, mean look, and constant frown compared to his happy-go-lucky attitude, nice look, and constant smile.

"You've come so far, dammit! You can't just leave me! Not now!" Richard shouted.

Tears fell on the green bubble. Emma walked to the speed clone who had Ivy in her hands. The clouds finished dropping rain on them.

Ivy stared at the clouds going away. Her mind was filled with warm memories coming to greet her cold body. She remembered the rough times as a teenager, using her fists more than her words. She also remembered this week. It was short, it was rough, but it was worth it.

She remembered when Marcus told her about the plan to defeat Ronin.

"You're crazy! That's too much!" Ivy exclaimed.

"Chill out, I know what I'm doing," Marcus began to blush, "Besides, you're pretty cool. Pretty and cool. I feel terrible for being mean to you."

"I'm cool? I kinda thought you hated me," Ivy said.

Marcus giggled, "It's hard to hate you."

Ivy smiled, "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just couldn't handle seeing Emma like that. I doubted that I could've beat him alone," Ivy apologized.

"I kinda deserve it. I was a bit of a fool," Marcus grinned.

"A bit?" Ivy questioned, giggling.

Ivy smiled, seeing Emma standing before her with tears. The sun and its golden rays shined on all of them. "Thank you, I love all of you, and I hope you live long lives," Ivy said, smiling even wider, "Even Prince."

"Don't leave us!" Emma blurted, with tears falling on Ivy's forehead.

"No, this can't be happening, no! I'm going to heal you Ivy!" Richard shouted, but he was still healing Marcus. He looked at the green bubble and Ivy.

Ivy looked up at the sky with her crystal blue ocean eyes. The sun made her pale skin glow. She giggled, coughing up blood. The sparkle in her eyes disappeared. Emma didn't know how to feel, or what to say. She froze like a statue.

After Richard was done with Marcus, he sprinted to Ivy. Bullets were at the sides of Marcus' body. He was no longer in a pool of blood.

The speed clone placed her on the road, and Richard tried activating his healing. Richard gasped as the maroon bubble covered her, "It isn't healing her, it's taking her! Fuck!"

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